
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

An absolute SLEW of fun

(that came to an abrupt end this morning with my wisdom teeth extraction! But more about that later . . . )

We took advantage of Chuck's weekend off to hit up dinner at his sista's house (where we ate salad for which she had GROWN the lettuce!) on Friday, and then Saturday Chuck and Clyde went to my mom's house and finished painting her front door - her whole house was recently painted by her EXCELLENT church ward and the front door was the last thing to be done, it looks very nicely put together now! That evening we had my mum, Leslie, Matt, and their darling kids, 7 year old Keyan and 4 year old Jazlyn over for a barbeque and games, good times were had by all, especially Clyde (who loves older kids and got to play catch with Keyan) and Will (who was doted on very well by Jazlyn).

Our next adventure was Monday, when we took advantage of Chuck's day off (he took Monday and Tuesday off for my wisdom teeth Tuesday morning - again, stay tuned for more. . . ) by driving to Jerome, Idaho to see our good friends Will and Kari and their darling kids, 5 year old Ryan and 2 year old Nathan. Chuck and Will were good friends in high school and roomed together in the dorms at Boise State - where Will met Kari! The three of them later lived off-campus together, also. We only get to see Will and Kari a couple times a year, so we were all very excited!

The BFF's (hmm, do guys use that term?)
Cute pregnant Kari holding baby Will - she got him to sleep so I could eat the yummy lunch she made us! They're expecting baby number three on October 1st and aren't finding out the gender. Kari and I share a lot of parenting/living philosophies, another reason we wish they lived closer!
Clyde, Nathan, and Ryan - once they all warmed up, they had loads of fun

Our next adventure was visiting the Twin Falls LDS temple. When our church builds temples (there are currently 128 around the world) they open it to the public for an Open House for a few weeks before it's dedicated and becomes only available to recommend-holding members of the church. We were excited to see the beautiful workmanship and for Clyde especially to see the amazing pictures of Jesus Christ that adorn the inside walls. Originally, they were asking that people coming reserve free tickets online, but they've moved to more of a first-come, first-serve system each day. We waited (sitting inside the church building right next to the temple) for maybe fifteen minutes before we started the tour, which lasted a little more than an hour, maybe - and yummy cookies were provided afterwards! The tour continues Wednesday through Saturday, it's open to EVERYONE and it's definitely worth the drive!Chuck and Clyde
Baby Will and me

And now, for the highlight of our week: I got my wisdom teeth out this morning! All four, yay! Luckily, it went very well and I'm feeling excellently - but everyone should STILL feel very sorry for me, of course! Chuck gave me a nice blessing last night, and my mom spent the night so that we could leave both boys here with her this morning while we drove to Fruitland for the surgery. Yeah, thanks Blue Cross for only contracting with ONE oral surgeon who is based forty minutes from where I live! Oh, well, Dr. Hillam did a very good job and after sleeping most of the day and taking my Hydrocordone pills, I'm healthy enough to blog, so that's all I ask for :). My mom took Clyde with her today and he's sleeping over at her house tonight. This is only the fifth night in his whole little life that we've been apart - the first four being when baby Will was born in March. I'm such a sucker for my boys, I'm pretty psyched that I still have eleven years before I'll have to send him to away for longer than two days - darn that Scout Camp! Chuck has taken terrific care of both me and Will all day long, thanks honey! I played the charming role of milk cow the last few days, so Will's gotten the real deal in bottles today. Oh, and his four month check-up is Friday, so I'll make sure and post his sure-to-be record breaking stats then!

Check out Will's grip on the bottle - the kid loves to eat!
Here's me! Oh, funny story: the receptionist at the oral surgeon was checking me in this morning, and she starts to pull out the liability waiver paper. She pauses, looks at my chart, and says, "Oh, you're 23, you CAN sign this yourself. You just look really young." I must have given her one of my infamous looks, because as I was walking to sit down, she followed up with "You'll love looking young someday!" Thanks, lady - I was coming to have SURGERY, I had to wake up at six-thirty after going to bed just before midnight, I was wearing Quinn's old tie-dye t-shirt, and your dumb pre-operative instruction page said not to wear make-up! Sheesh, she probably thought Chuck was my older brother - yuck! Oh, well :)


Melissa said...

What a busy weekend you guys had! I'm glad you were able to make it out for dinner, we should do it again soon. Be sure to holler if you need anything this week! Hope you are better soon.

Leslie said...

Blogging already. I'm impressed! Glad to hear you're doing well. Let me know if you need anything--you know DQ is between our house and yours. ;)

jayna said...

You crack me up Jana! Glad the wisdom teeth haven't been too bad. And you're so lucky you got to the temple open house- we need to go!

Holly Cameron said...

Haha. Your last paragraph cracked me up. I got my wisdom teeth out in 8th grade. Maybe that's why you're so much smarter than me because you kept yours in longer.