
Friday, August 15, 2008

Tag sale!

1. Chuck cleaning the kitchen
2. Clyde signing 'more' after I say "I . . . love . . . YOU!"
3. Will being roly-poly all day and then sleeping through the night!

1. Losing loved ones - I'm (still) in that post-partum hormonal phase where when I can't get a hold of someone, I am immediately SURE they've met an untimely death. It's HORRIBLE, I cried the other morning planning out my mom's funeral in my head because she wasn't answering her cell phone! *
2. Spiders - they stop me in my tracks and I shriek! Interestingly, I can totally man-up and handle them if I am the 'strongest' person around, like if I'm just with the little boys or any of my brothers, but if Chuck's there, I pull the damsel in (genuine) distress card.
3. That Pam and Jim won't live 'happily ever after' on The Office - they are the cutest, funniest couple on TV (unless Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert count).

1. Procrastinating finishing my talk for church on Sunday

2. Chocolate ice cream + mini marshmallows + microwave for 45 seconds
3. Planning Clyde's little Elmo birthday party for his upcoming 2nd birthday

1. If Chuck and I have a daughter, we have to name her something ending in 'a' because it's an (accidental) six-generation tradition: Jana, Pamela, Carma, Leila, Ida, Philomela (and no, none of those names are up for consideration, although Quinn intends to use 'Carma')

2. I'm not a huge fan of how I looked on my wedding day - I love my dress, but detest my hair and make-up (or lack thereof). Next spring/summer, I'm going to celebrate our fifth anniversary by having Melissa take bridal portraits of me (pray that I've finished losing the baby weight by then so my dress fits!). I'm seriously considering recruiting Jayna and/or Christy to make me look like their long-lost sister (or as close to that as they can get me).
3. As much as Chuck is NOT looking forward to us speaking in church on Sunday, I AM looking forward to it - I love the attention :)

Thanks for tagging me, Jayna! I tag Melissa, Leslie, Emily Johnston and Terri Braden (see, you HAVE to start a blog now, Terri!)

*Please be reassured that I am mostly sane and rational and you don't need to worry about my mental health :)


Leslie said...

I too don't like my wedding pictures. I've always said I want to do a renewal of our vows or something to get decent pictures out of that. I'd like to have pictures now that I don't weigh what I did when I got married but Matt says, "Yeah but now I look older." I keep telling him that we can photoshop his pictures from our original wedding into the new ones! ;) Ahhh...reconstructionist history/scrapbooking. Got to love it!

Emily and Owen Johnston said...

Jana I love reading your blogs!! You are so cute!!! I hope your talk goes well!!

Sherry said...

I love your blog! I thinks it's great you want to re-do your wedding pictures and fortunately for you you are still young enough to pull it off :) You should totally do that! I would like to go back & re do my hair. Do you think 29 years is too late? I look like such a child - oh wait, I was!

Connie and Brandon said...

yeah terri. you should start a blog.

jayna said...

First of all, my mom is funny. Both when she tries to be and when she is accidentally.
Also, I am beyond proud of you for 1. Actually reading my blog enough to know you were tagged and 2. DOING THE TAG! I quite enjoyed myself.

And the only part I worried about the state of your mental health was when you included me in the longing for a resemblance as a 3rd sister...just stick with Christy! P.S. I think I speak for both Crandall sisters when I say we would LOVE to be a part of re-staged wedding pictures!! How fun is that?! I'll leave the make-up to Chris, but I adore doing wedding hair! Sign me up!

Melissa said...

I'm up for it whenever you are!! I'm not real thrilled with my appearance in your pictures either.

lazyizzy said...

Your comment about clyde signing more.....

That was the cutest thing I have heard all day


Holly Cameron said...

Wow! So I just died laughing. You need to re-read this post. Your fear number 2 - "I can totally man-up and handle them if I am the 'strongest' person around". Oh My Gosh. Seriously I do that same exact thing and it's kind of my theory. If Creed's around I am the biggest wimp...but if I were with you I'd prolly kill it to show you up. haha. We are crazy. Seriously I don't think you know how happy that made me. And man, cocolate ice cream plus mini marshmallows...that sounds amazing. Going to try that soon. And I am copy and pasting this from your blog so you can read it and laugh. "1. If Chuck and I have a daughter, we have to name her something ending in 'a' because it's an (accidental) six-generation tradition: Jana, Pamela, Carma, Leila, Ida, Philomela (and no, none of those names are up for consideration, although Quinn intends to use 'Carma'" Adorable Eh??? I'm so excited for baby carma!!!! Lastly. I hope you did that little 5 year anniversary portraits...I hated my hair too. Cool idea.