
Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Things (both important and not) I feel compelled to share with YOU:

*Clyde is in bed for the night - YEE-HAW! After two nights of staying up ridiculously late (the important thing is we got my mom's classroom ready for the first day of school!), he just needed a nap-free day to get back on schedule. And since Chuck was home and could play with him, it wasn't even a horrible nap-free day, yay!

*My sister-in-law Melissa is officially launching her photography; check it out at http://wingsofblue.blogspot.com or e-mail her at wingsofblue.melissa@gmail.com

*I just tried to put Will down for the night but I could hear him fussing so I went back in (I'm a sucker and can't do the "cry-it-out" thing) and found him sucking pretty hardcore on his big toe . . . so I kindly decided to feed him some more

*Our talks on Sunday went FABULOUSLY well, thank you for inquiring (Jared and/or Jen, a comment backing me up on this would be appreciated so that it doesn't just seem like I'm bragging, thanks!). My mom took a couple of pictures of Chuck and me before we left for church, and I'm considering posting one, especially since I wore the red shirt from ShopKo, but my hair is still damp-ish in the pictures (I think it was dry by the time I spoke) and I'm feeling vain. . . anyways, we felt good that we got our messages across (I spoke about daily spiritual habits such as scripture study, prayer, and treating other people in a Christlike manner, and Chuck spoke about fortifying families through Family Home Evening) and if nothing else, we got a lot out of preparing the talks!

*My classes start on Monday. YUCK, YUCK, YUCK! Plus I'm frustrated trying to understand my degree progress report and I can't get in to see the Comm department's Peer Advisor OR a general, all-around advisor until next week

*Mmm, that may be all for now. There's a cute boy in the living room waiting to watch an episode of "Law and Order: Criminal Intent" with me, and I'm pretty sure I can connive him into getting me a bowl of chocolate ice cream with marshmallows . . .


jayna said...

My husband's out of town, so thanks for posting some late-night entertainment for me!

JPI said...

At your request, they were both good talks. Entertaining yet spiritual. Anytime you can incorporate fantasy football and blogging into a talk, then I think it's a job well done.


jen said...

I thought you guys did a great job. Jared even thought I got the idea for making a fHE board because of Chucks talk.

mama izatt said...

chocolate ice cream and marshmallows...I may have to try that tonight. Do you give encore performances? Dad and I would love to hear those talks this weekend.

Holly Cameron said...

Ok. This post. I just love you. You are the same as you were back then.