
Saturday, July 27, 2019

Independence Day 2k18

As always, we kicked off the fourth of July with our ward breakfast - Clyde participated in both the flag raising ceremony and a flag retirement ceremony, which was way cool:
Carma was pretty psyched to show off her 'Merica ensemble AND her recently acquired bike riding skills in the primary parade around the parking lot. SHE ALSO AT SOME POINT HAD A HELMET. This girl - none of our boys ever argued about wearing a helmet. None of them get on bikes without a helmet. Carma is forever sneaking on her bike and then cheerily assuring us that she'll be fine! Grrr.

A mini court of honor was scheduled as part of the program and Clyde received his rank advancement to First Class, wooo!
Sketchy looking trio if you ask me. Add in Brother Rolfson there in the background and it gets even more suspicious-looking...

We recruited Grandma Pam to come over after breakfast and commenced our master plan, as detailed in the instagram caption: How to get Grandma Pam the Pacifist to participate in the Independence Day Nerf Battle: declare it America v. Britain and let her speak with an accent πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ⚔️πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§. Relieved to say the colonists won this go-round as well, 4-1. Better luck next time, Brits!

There were lots of exciting and gasp-inducing moments of truth as the battle raged...

which naturally led to some pretttttty dramatic death scenes:

The Brits insisted on some team pictures after their lone victory haha. Cheerio!

I'm pretty sure afternoon naps/screen time was had by all and that evening we hopped on our bikes for our second annual 'let our neighbors spend lots of money and risk jail time buying and setting off illegal fireworks while we reap the rewards of watching cool lights and explosions' tour of our neighborhood:

The bikes really make this tradition work. It'd be semi-awkward to walk around the neighborhood and plop down on someone's sidewalk, joining in their family/friends celebration. I feel like we'd get weird looks - not something we're necessarily opposed to, as it already happens quite a bit, but nothing something we're specifically seeking out. But this way it looks totally normal - just out on a, uh, late evening family bike ride that includes frequent, semi-lengthy breaks riiiiight when it looks like something good is about get lit. Super under the radar - basically our family motto ;).

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