
Sunday, November 6, 2022

All of November 2k19

Started off the month right by chaperoning a middle school dance... here's the proof we survived:

And now for some adorable leaf raking and pile jumping pictures: 

Instagram caption: Nampans: take yo leaves over behind the cemetery! I found out about this city recycling program like three years ago and it’s the coolest thing ever ANd this is the first year I’ve had help dropping them off 😅. It took us two truckloads full but we did it 🌿🍃🍁🍂🤗

                                        Love this:

Instagram caption: Being late to church on ‘fall back’ daylight saving day takes an extra stroke of ingenuity, but never fear: Jack is up to the challenge. Witness the result of him trying a new hairstyle for Carma that took me approximately seven minutes to delicately untangle 🤪😭🤦🏻‍♀️🙃💃🏻🕘🕰⏳

We had a really nice musical evening over at Brother Jensen's home; he invited our family over for dinner and then shared some of his collection of instruments with us:

Brother Jensen is generously lending Will a violin to use in orchestra this year, and it was fun for Will to show what he has already learned!

In the "better late than never" department, here are pictures from a fun Halloween party hosted over at Lee and Aleesha's house:

2nd grade Jack is adorable, and Chuck and I love to see his little posts on Seesaw:

Jack missing a tooth is also adorable.

Oh ya I think these are from the dual that EVMS hosted on Halloween? Go Clyde!

We love Park Ridge night at Wendy's! Here is the one and only Mr. Eilers with Jack:

And Carma and Miss Overcast!

And Carma with Ms. Crain and Ms. Hill!

Oh ya I voted.

I don't condone vandalism, but sometimes you have something really important to share, amiright?

Matching messy buns in the middle of... Walmart? Costco? requires pictures:

I love her.

Chuck's coworker had a bday so he commissioned this masterpiece of a cake from Aleesha:
Kassie loved it, worth every penny!

Cute little kids helping with Scouting for Food:

Carma and Chuck snuggles before he leaves for work:

Pretty legit daddy's girl.

100 percent not a clue what these pictures are from but here are three wee Izatts looking cute and happy:

But like what is Carma holding up?? I have no clue.

Biggest and littlest brothers:

and all four yahoos after church one day:

Instagram caption/reflection: My fb memories lately have been full of funny Will stories (ie him admonishing old ladies in target re: Jack “hey! That’s my mommy’s baby!” when I had wandered a bit away and they got too close to the cart 🤦🏻‍♀️😅) and I love it. I miss little preschooler Will but I’m pretty enamored with tween Will and I’ll cherish every minute (or least a majority of them) until he follows after Clyde and grows six inches and turns into a moody teenager 😅😭😂. Willy boy has always kept us on our toes and I sure love him 🧡💚💛.

Another reminder for school/work:

Cute little piano practicers.

Random plasma selfie? I think commemorating my four year mark with BioLife getting a huge needle stabbed in my arm twice a week for money. Best side hustle ever!

Oh ya I made this amazing Thanksgiving tree at work.

Ooh more Clyde wresting:

Feel like this was a win by pin.

Will is probably the most hilarious Scout ever.

That sunrise tho!

Dramatic selfie after work one day.

Carma being besties with Rigsby haha.

They trusted me to do score during a wrestling match. Most stressful like four minutes of my entire freaking life.

Lunch time = hair time!

Maybe the cleanest my desk has ever been?

Some closeups of the 'leaves' on the Thanksgiving tree... aka the ones that mention me:

A couple of them are even spelled right ;).

Instagram caption: The stars (aka days off) have not yet aligned for Chuck and I to take our usual fall escape🍂🛣, so this morning we opted for a recent favorite date activity: car towin’! 🚧We again took advantage of the romantic sunrise time frame, 🌄which also allowed us a bit more privacy on the drive 😏- especially beneficial when, per tradition, the tow rope slipped off during an early turn. *As always, customize the date to your financial comfort💰💰; we selected a less expensive tow rope to get more bang for our buck.* The phone call on speaker 📱📲 is a MUST so you can share sweet nothings back and forth: “little more brake here”, “keep that tow line taut!”, “my fingers are freezing; I’m in the car with no heat”, and more 🥰. Sometimes life can get repetitive in long term relationships 😴 but this date had me on the edge of my seat💺, with whitened knuckles on the steering wheel and clenched teeth 😬 wondering if I was braking the correct amount 😅, if the tow rope would slip again 😳, and if car repairs would, indeed, be the death of me💸🙃- talk about excitement and heart racing moments🤪🎢! Happy dating to y’all!!

Another random selfie... I feel like the smudged, day old eye make up is a real good look for me.

Can't wait for my descendants to brag about how we were part of the Disney + Founders Circle!!

Ohh man Alisa's senior recital at Boise State was amazing - such an incredible voice. We loved it!

Instagram caption: Traditions are SO important 💖, which is why every six years we round up the three November birthday boys 🎂 and whoever else is free and will respond to our texts 🙏🏼 and do a group date night! This year we ate tacos 🌮 and a small portion of a salad🥗, then we won World War II 📻🔍🔐(I think? Something like that) and then we did pose prompts for a group picture (kirkendalls: model casual😎, walkers: cute married couple💑, Izatts: awkwardly reach behind you to make sure your husband doesn’t take the ‘escape’ game seriously and make a run for it😅, and Jenks: Prom Royalty🤴🏻👸🏼), then a walk down a super NOT sketchy alley 🎮🎰 to get ice cream🍦, where Kara finally got Chuck to open up more so they could bond 🤗 and we all discussed babysitting wages 💸 and calling in favors from cop buddies 🚔.

 Pretty epic night, see y’all circa Nov 2025 🙌🏼

I mean, this is hilarious and very valid:

The money I used to spend on disposable cameras...

Instagram caption: Pretty sure there isn’t anything that two DayQuil, three hot chocolates, and these four girls (plus the two Niycs!!) can’t solve 💊💊☕️☕️☕️👩🏼‍⚕️⛹🏼‍♀️🕵🏻‍♀️🦸🏼‍♀️(💇🏼‍♀️👩🏽‍💼).

Super fun Relief Society night - in continuing with our school classes theme, we did Home Ec where Sister Rose showed us her tips and tricks for a delicious roast:

and then we switched to 'library' where some sisters shared about how they find time to read and what they enjoy reading...

and we brought books to share and lend out and borrow!

Chilly work selfie:

Took me a while, but I finally got to ride in a cop car!

And also possibly that same day Chuck came and had lunch with me at school:

Sure love him. 

Jack and Carma and Chuck went shooting: 

Sure love that Chuck takes the time for adventures like this with these two.

Willy boy practicing violin!

Every so often we pull out the chess set and it gets a ton of use for like three weeks and then we put it away again until next time.

Love it.

Another wrestling meet, this time on a Saturday I think:

Clyde with the W.

Some selfies with a wrestler and his uber driver:

Clyde and I stopped by to see my dad!

Projection shot for in a few years if Clyde grows a lot haha.

Mom and Clyde picture, starting off nice...

quickly became a wrestling match.

When will I learn?

Me and my daddy.

Total slacker when it came to the Thanksgiving Tree this year, whoops!

Random pictures...

Ya, I'm def an enneagram 2. Which is funny because I'm also terrible at returning texts... and giving unsolicited advice. Whoops!

Instagram caption: Ohhhh man I hope these yahoos know how much I love them 💛🧡💙💚


Cutie little girl:

K I don't really understand this because it's from a trash talk text thread for CHuck's work fantasy football league but one of his co-workers made this and I think it's hilarious:

Instagram caption: Morning view I love 🤩
Drinking hot chocolate made by my love 👨🏻‍🍳
Starting my day at a job I love 🙌🏼
Gearing up for a week off, which I REALLY love 😴

Don't remember the occasion, but it would appear we got to have some Walkers over which is always the best!!

Kinda want to get this tattooed on my forehead - sooooo important to remember at my job.

How did I get so lucky?

Thanksgiving Tree progress:

Thanksgiving break Nerf battle:

An inside activity during the battle, puzzles!

Cocker spaniels = the dog of my childhood! Lady, Lizzie... another gold one whose name I can't remember... jk I remembered: Nipper!!

More Nerf: 

Inside to warm up with hot chocolate and popcorn.

Ooh splurge to the dollar theater for a family movie night... not a clue what movie (or preview?) had Clyde so captivated haha.

Carma's lovely fairy.

Will did some occupational therapy for a bit, he's a rockstar.

Cute little grocery store helper:

Cute little happy girl!

Piano practicing!

Cute little painter.

More white board drawings that needed to be preserved for posterity:

Photo ops with Grandma Pam! (maybe on Thanksgiving?)

These four are pretty lucky to have Grandma Pam so close.

I love enneagram and I loved how easily explained these made it:

Quick picture after a movie outing with my dad!

Carma gifted Chuck and myself with makeovers:


Another Carma Izatt original:

Hey, I spent some of the month blogging! Good times.

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