
Sunday, November 13, 2022

December 2k19 part ONE

December kicked off the #LightTheWorld service initiative - insta caption: Yayyy December! Let’s face it: last year I totally sucked at Light the World 😅😬... but this year, Izatts are all in. We have an adorable burlap numbered thingy so every night we open the prompt for the next day- everyone knows it’s easier to follow through with goals if cute farmhouse-y decor is involved 🤗🐮. Glance at the official Light the World calendar, glance at the December Kindness calendar, and see what you can work into your life over the next few weeks to brighten someone else’s day... or week even 🌟☀️. And by all means, check in and hold me accountable for doing this! (Also, no one has texted me yet today so act fast if you want an appreciative response from me! 📲😏)


We also committed to staying organized and using our giant white board as a weekly calendar. 

It snowed a wee bit:

which made the wee children happy!

Carma practicing piano is always the cutest!

Love these five tips for relationship building with students - being respectful is huge. Don't match their attitude/tone, keep yours respectful. It will pay off... eventually. 

I used these pictures for a Light the World prompt - insta caption: Today’s #LightTheWorld prompt is to use social media to highlight someone who embodies Christlike service. It takes incredible strength to love and teach students day after day, especially when you’re second guessed or talked back to or over tasked or unsure if it’s all working or worth it. One of the best parts of my job is seeing students feel respected and genuinely liked and valued in classrooms. As a parent, I’m so grateful that I can send my kids to school knowing that they will feel welcome and safe. As a staff member, I’m so grateful to work with people who use high standards and encouragement to see and expect the best from their students. When I think of Jesus Christ, I think of love.
Chuck sends me pictures of the elementary school kiddos every morning since I'm not home when they leave for school. I love seeing their outfits haha:
and hairstyles... and muscles...

Dramatic selfie.

Insta caption: For today’s #LightTheWorld prompt Carma made this card for Grandma Pam, who is a rockstar and donates blood regularly 😍. I know I’m always hyping plasma but if that doesn’t work out for you, donate blood (often the restrictions are different and conditions/medications that prevent plasma donation eligibility don’t affect being able to give blood). 💉💉💉 maybe you’ll get lucky and Carma will make you a card too 🖍📝👧🏻

Confused selfie?

Bundled selfie.

Matching selfie!

THRILLED kiddos to be getting out the train set!

Picking out a tree!

Insta caption: DYING at this series of selfies Carma took on Chuck’s phone tonight... at least she took some pictures of Jesus too though 😅🙏🏼🤦🏻‍♀️🤳🏻🤣

Definitely stole this wrestling medal from a student so I could pose with it and act cool:

Outfit of the day... killin' it.

Santa came to Park Ridge:

5 and 7 - two of the best ages for Christmastime!

FOUR pictures of Carma in this darling red Christmas-y dress:

I just couldn't choose - her smile is darling and slightly different in each one!!

Jack and Grandma Pam got together for a jam session hahahahaha:

Insta caption: Am I covering a math class? Yes. Am I also thinking about the divine holiday joy that is Pepperidge Farms MINT Brussels? Also yes. Might be one of my favorite aspects of this time of year 🤗🌲

Another day, another 'borrowed' medal to selfie it up with:

Girls night with the absolute best, just missing our fave Utahan.

Me and Jesus!! Love this guy.

It took a separate drive home, but all the boys in Clyde's choir were properly outfitted in Santa hats:

Fun joint concert with Columbia choirs!

Happy little concert go-er:

This was one of those weeks where there was something going on like every night. Kiddos are troopers in December!

Clyde's choir:

Cutest siblings.

Clyde's fan club!

Oh hey more brilliance:
These are seriously so good. One thing I do at work a LOT is help students acknowledge their behavior and apologize to their teacher. It does NOT help when adults take the opportunity to lecture more or try to get a more "sincere" apology in that moment, or keep pushing and digging and nitpicking. Take what the student is willing to give at that moment, and start fresh the next time.

Cute little Anna from Frozen:

Cute little girlie. Loving the two braids and this pose haha.

Will having zero chill when he sees us in the audience at his orchestra concert hahahahahah:

Will chose orchestra and violin all on his own - we have zero experience in this area, but he loves it! Super fun to watch.

Cute little boy:

Ohhh I love him!

... but I love Christmas treats even more, let's be honest: 

Insta caption: That moment when you watch your boss’ wife’s instagram stories all week as she chronicles her amazing Christmas treat baking adventures... and then you arrive at work to find a box on your desk full of the aforementioned goodies and all is right in the world... especially when your boss radios you to go do something and you respond with “Copy... as soon as I’m done with this amazing peanut butter ball.” #worthgettingfiredfor 👋🏼✌🏼😋 If I didn’t already have a legit girl crush on @becky_rigsby after meeting her once and insta-stalking her for three months, her baking talent and generosity would have sealed the deal 😍😍😍 #anotherpostaboutcookies #cookiesaremylovelanguage#alsofreefoodingeneral #havenotusedhashtagsinawhile#avoidinglaundry #iwillseemyselfout

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