
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Things I Love . . .

* Being the only one in the house awake, even if I should be asleep

* Chocolate milk

* Bic Ultra Round Stic Grip pens - seriously, they just glide on the paper

* Sabrina Soto from HGTV's 'Get it Sold' - Chuck says I have a girl crush on her, and I totally do. I don't even care that her staging techniques rarely succeed in actually getting the house sold.

* My double stroller and how ridiculously proud of myself I am when I take the boys on long walks around our new neighborhood - so proud that I eat more brownies as a reward

* My mom

* Chuck's new green shirt ($3.44 at Old Navy) that make his green eyes SPARKLE.

* A clean kitchen sink

* Reciting dialogue from episodes of West Wing with Cody

* Getting wise advice from Sam

* Volunteering Quinn for things (i.e. painting, moving, baby-sitting)

* When Chuck grills chicken for dinner, yum!

* Clyde's funny signs that he makes up: binky (sticks his finger in his mouth), phone (sticks his finger in his ear), baby Will (fingers outstretched, moves hand up and down at his side).

* Will's recent decision to smile at me once in a while and not just my mom.

* Fun mail/ wall comments on Facebook/ blog comments

* the hope that someday my chubby finger will shrink back to its pre-pregnancy size so that I can wear my wedding ring again

* my bright red Crocs - I wear 'em every day but Sunday, baby!


Alex Griffiths said...

crocs rock! i have brown mary-jane ones and they are AWESOME! by the way your boys are ADORABLE!

Melissa said...

Ummm tell me more about this elusive clean sink. I can't seem to find one at my house.

Lindsay said...

What kind of double stroller did you get? I have the graco duo glider but I am thinking of maybe getting a jogger type. But I love it.

And it took me forever for my finger to shrink but it did! My ring was stuck on my finger and wouldn't come off.

Sherry said...

Your blog is super cute! I love it! Your boys are so adorable!!!
Hopefully we'll make it to the baby blessing & Quinn's farewell this Sunday - and get to see Sam & Terri!

mama izatt said...

I love being awake in the house when everyone is asleep.

Clyde's signs are great...I love watching him. I hope you are getting them on video.

Mama Izatt

Holly Cameron said...

Ok I didn't know chuck has green eyes! Cool. And I love that you loved brownies back in the day when I was still in high school...bahahahaha!