
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I Get My Muscles From My Dad

I tried to get a good picture of the two boys on Father's Day, but Clyde was way too preoccupied with his baby brother to smile . . .

So it's solo shots! Here's baby Will wearing a "Daddy and Me" onesie . . . of course, halfway through sacrament meeting he had what we mothers term a "blowout" and I had not a spare onesie, so he went through the rest of church with just his button up shirt and a (clean) diaper. Classy.

Chuck's mom and sister found these cute t-shirts for Clyde and his cousin George that say "I Get My Muscles From My Dad" so I stuck it over an orange polo shirt and let Clyde wear it to church . . . I figure in nursery they don't have a hardcore dress code, and he did have a collar.

My three boys playing before Chuck had to go to work.

Chuck's presents and a sign Clyde and I made on his new art easel - five dollars Saturday at a garage sale, yay!

Happy Father's Day Chuck!


Lindsay said...

What a sweet Father's Day! Your boys are so adorable. With 8:00 church now, we are lucky that the boys are not in their pj's so I think Clyde's shirt is just fine!I am going to add your blog to my "list" if that's okay with you!

Melissa said...

Super cute! I love the new easel.

Holly Cameron said...

Is that what you did before savers? Five dollar garage sale. Sounds hard core. Love the cute collared tshirt idea.