
Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Good, the Bad, and the Vomit-y

So, it seems I am unable to post without pictures and/or bullet points, but I am OKAY with that - hopefully you are too! Someday I will be witty and entertaining and long-winded, but that day is not today, as it's been a crazy week preceeded by a crazy weekend. Here's the list:

The good:

* Haircut Friday evening that left me feeling (gasp!) okay about said haircut

* Lovely BBQ with Chuck's extended family Saturday night to celebrate baby Will's blessing the next morning - best part being I did NONE of the food preparation. Chuck grilled, Melissa and Amanda did (fab-u-lous) fruit and veggie platters, and everything else was store-bought. You call it laziness, I call it lucky - see 'the Bad' number ONE below

* Chuck giving baby Will a very meaningful blessing on Sunday morning

* Quinner's talk on Sunday at church - there's NOTHING like watching your goofy baby brother cry at the pulpit talking about his love for the Savior

* Rockin' family pictures at the Boise Train Depot taken by my rockin' sister-in-law Melissa (they will obviously be posted once I get the CD from her, prepare to ooh and ahh at my photographic-ness as well as her mad photography skills)
* Clyde's first real time at a swimming pool on Monday afternoon

* Cute little campers having fun (I'm assistant directing a summer day camp this week, see 'the Bad' for more . . . )


the BAD:

* throwing up seven times between Saturday night and Sunday morning - see, thank goodness I didn't handle food for fifteen people!

* Quinn throwing up seven times between Sunday morning and Sunday night (I feel a hint of guilt about this since Clyde was the carrier pigeon who brought this bout of stomach flu into the family)

* being away from my wee boys Monday morning, Tuesday afternoon and all day Wednesday to work at the silly camp - I do not do the 'working mother' thing well AT ALL, thank goodness :)


the vomit-y

* Jana

* Quinn

Seriously, we left church and climbed into my mama's bed and moaned pathetically all afternoon. We drank a ridiculous amount of Sprite and rang a bell pretty obnoxiously when we needed service - I won't embarrass my mom by posting her response times. Cancel that, I totally will: twelve seconds the first time, and twenty-four seconds the next time. After that, they took away the bell. Still not sure why . . .

See? As action-packed as I indicated, eh? And it's not even over yet, we still have one more day of camp, a weekend of Chuck working, and then a most exciting road trip - baby Will's first one! We're Utah-bound first for the very bloggable wedding of Courtney and Ben (yes, there will be pictures!) and then to Nevada for an Elko Fourth of July Extravaganza. Let freedom (and our 'Mama-we-need-more-Sprite-and-maybe-someone-to-read-to-us' bell) RING!


Sherry said...

I feel so bad for you & Quinn getting sick, that's so terrible! Your mom's a good sport even if she took your bell away :). We really wanted to be there Sunday but I procrastinated and didn't get a sub for Primary but now that I see you guys were sick I'm glad we stayed away! Not really, it would have been great to see everyone. I'm sure it was a special Sunday inspite of all the throwing up :)

Holly Cameron said...

Oh sad! Stomach flus are the worst. Seriously brothers are just the best. I remember being sooo sad when my bros went on their missions. I love that grandma Pam took the bell away. Genious.