
Sunday, July 28, 2024

march 2021 part two

Dentist appointment for this cute giant of a child:

Spotted a co-worker moonlighting as a dental practice model.

I have no actual recollection but it appears Will had a tooth pulled?

Almost time for middle school tennis to start!

Love this from my bestie Sharon about being wise consumers of media and not giving in to fear-based propaganda.

               Ran into my actual bestie Sergio at Costco and his sweet grandma who LOVES me let us take a quick picture. Sergio was thrilled I tell you - thrilled! This kid is awesome.


I made this sign for the vending machine but also might keep this picture on hand to respond to emails I don't want to answer?

Cute flowers from a student. I love middle schoolers.

Slightly concerning until you realize this is Clyde getting off the high school bus and greeting Will haha:

March brought some sad news to our family: our dear Brother Murphy passed away.

Times like this I'm extra grateful for the time I have put into blogging, as I was able to easily pull up old stories and memories from our time knowing this incredible man.

Who can forget the time Jack reversed the van ALMOST into the canal and Brother Murphy came to the rescue to pull it out of the ditch area:

We were humbled to attend the private funeral services in Utah with the Murphy family:

Cutest Jack:

Picture with Kiska, Penny, Sister Murphy, and Dan.

Cutest Kiska and Carma with their matching animal print accessories!

Chuck, Sister Murphy, and Dan. This woman has shown so much love and care for these two lucky guys.

No mask smiling picture of Kiska and Carma!

Carma and Dan the Man.

Quick selfie with meeee.

And another installment of the 'thumbs up' picture:
Rich Murphy had an incredible impact on both Dan and Chuck; and an incredible impact on our whole family. Very tender to be there with family and friends to mourn a gentle, generous, man who loved God and his family and serving others.

We were able to spend time with my brothers in Utah which was wonderful:

and the next day we sported ponchos for opening day at Lagoon! Chuck's parents gifted all the kids and grandkids season passes the previous Christmas, but we ended up holding on to ours to use in 2021 instead of 2020 because of covid.

It was a chilly few hours but very fun and we are excited to go back more in the summer heat ;).

And it led to a quiet, tired drive home to Nampa that evening!

Two kiddos couldn't make it to self-reliance on Sunday so the other members of our class had the sweet idea to make them cards, or maybe it was my idea, who knows for sure??

We dropped them off along with a treat. Jacob was thrilled to see us haha:

Have I mentioned how much I love these kids?

Okay but this made me laugh:

I nap... like a lot.


More incredible Sharon McMahon wisdom. She taught for many years and her insights into classroom management are brilliant.

Spring break tennis for these two!

Ran into the darling Khalila while she was darling and playing volleyball and I was gasping for air and sweating at a work out class haha:

Birthday party for Emilie and Will! Teenagers, oh my!

Zach and Aaron look very thrilled to join this celebration haha.

Listening to them giggle was the best!

Family movie night:

Will's actual bday started with a big bday brunch with cousins:

and playing games!

Selfies with my brand new 13 year old!

We spent a couple hours that afternoon at a park with half-cousins:

and then brought the Walkers back home with us for some more fun:

Real life Among Us - you create a list of tasks, quietly assign someone as the assassin, and let them go. It's super fun:

Ohhh we love this boy so much.

Instagram caption: Hbd to Will, the newest teenager in the Izatt household! 🎉1️⃣3️⃣🎉 Will has had the best couple days playing a million games with church friends, cousins, and half-cousins (school friends: we’re coming for ya soon!). 

Also Will is not a fan of photo shoots but I finally got a couple fairly genuine smiles out of him - adding a buddy into the shot seemed to help in that endeavor 👀😏📸

Ryker and I (okay mostly me haha) send birthday postcards to all of the students - I mailed Will's just like everyone else's so he could get it in the mail too!

Week two in a row heading to Jacob's house, this time we did the whole self-reliance lesson there, complete with donuts....

and violin lessons/peer pressure for a concert. Went really well, can you tell?

Instagram caption: {Accidental picture from my office this afternoon when I dropped by to replenish my stash of granola bars and applesauces for hangry, bribe-able teenagers}

Currently feeling a very strong pull towards the ‘stay at home mom’ life I enjoyed this week during Spring Break: slept in, time with kids, time with friends, worked out consistently, Marvel movie marathon progress, read two books, rearranged my house, mostly kept up on laundry, daytime hours with Chuck. Really daunting to think about resuming my sketchy attempted juggling act of working and family in a few hours.

Alas, something tells me that twenty minutes and three buses into work tomorrow morning, I’ll remember why I love this ridiculous job again so, so much. (Also being unemployed would put a cramp in the ‘treat yoself’ thrift store shopping sprees and Arby’s addiction lifestyle I’m currently embracing). 

Grateful for a job I really do love and co-workers I’ve missed and middle schoolers who nod along with my rambling “wisdom” just enough to make me feel like I’m making a difference 🧡🧡🧡 - that should all make my alarm easier to wake up to circa 530am, right? 🥴🤞🏼🥱⏰😂

Back to school: 

Okay most bathroom graffiti is bad words and crude drawings of, um, rocket ships but this was actually uplifting and inspiring?! Still got scrubbed off tho ;).

Tennis basics for afternoon practice!

And last night of spring break (ish) tennis camp for the kids, aka a make-up day for a weather cancelation: 

They both loved learning more tennis, excited to have two more players in the fam!

Matching masks with Katie, had to take a picture!!

Clyde's first high school tennis match!!

Not even the slightest clue who he was playing with or against or who won. Whoops!

Sometimes you glance over at a red light and see your brother in law! Hi Lee!

This is always just bonkers to me.

Turns out as an adult it's still scary to get summoned to the principal's office...

but in this case it meant we got to run an errand and also do a quick side quest resulting in gross regular cinnamon bears for Mr. Crist and delicious chocolate covered cinnamon bears for ME:

Also I ate a big cookie? Also I think this is my Venmo profile picture haha:

Aaaaand to wrap up March, here's a cute picture of Carma and her bunny rabbit headband from boys and girls club!

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