
Sunday, July 28, 2024

march 2021 part one

 Starting off once again with a school selfie. Sometimes I think I do more at work than take pictures of myself, but then again maybe not?

                    Happiest girl in the world haha!


Another school selfie... why was I in the hallway? Why did I look alarmed? We may never know.

Scooter ride next to the Columbia tennis courts to mess with Clyde during practice haha.

Project at work! Auditing all of the radios, aka I just had to gather them.

Work selfie in the reset room:

Work selfie outside. I think I was deciding if I like my haircut?

I thiiiiink this was during an evacuation drill - I cleared my area and then stopped by the orchestra room to leave Willy boy a note before his class came back inside.

Literally can't remember anything about this happy reunion...

but it was apparently important/hilarious enough to photograph. I'm guessing they had been forced apart all day by in school suspension?

Cute little bike riders:

Jack gets a lot of shoutouts in the classroom newsletters.

Also there's a decent chance Jack freaking excels at school and assessments. What the heck.

Basketball date with Carma Junie.

This was pretty funny.

Friendly reminder that Sharon McMahon is the best government teacher ever. Follow her on instagram, check out her website, pre-order her book, all the things. https://sharonmcmahon.com/

It is very interesting to me that some people hike frequently. Like once a week or possibly more often. Our family hikes once about every three years and it is a monumental undertaking and also a relatively easy, short hike in the "hiking" "world": TableRock in Boise.

Will and I were the self-appointed cabooses (caboosi?) of our little hiking wagon train. Will has not yet found his deep-seated love of hiking. I'm sure it's in there somewhere.

These two scampered along like little mountain goats:

Will jogged when informed a spot to sit was just around the bend.

Chuck is the actual cutest.

I feel fairly certain this fatigue was exaggerated for the camera ;).

Sibling support:

We made it!

Will celebrated by promptly reading all the informational guide signs.

Oh sheesh:

Ya I'm also not sure how he didn't fall. 

Carma's face:

Some giggling occurred.

Feels like everything really derailed at this point.

Quick family picture:

The point at which I started getting way nervous and said it was time to go haha.

Heading back down!

We made it! Will wants to go again next week?!

Instagram caption: One time almost exactly three years ago we hiked Table Rock as a family, so obviously it was time to head up there again. These are all at the top, but don’t worry: I made sure to take tons of pictures on the way up and down so people would see that I was doing it for the ‘gram and not mistake me for an actual, legit hiker. 💁🏻‍♀️🤳🏻💅🏼

Also Will and I counted TWENTY SEVEN different dogs along the way and that brought us so much joy that we resolved next time to discreetly photograph each dog as we count. 🐕🐩🦮🐕‍🦺🐶2️⃣7️⃣

Also we might try to make it there again sooner than another three years but no promises 😉🥴😅

I am an attractive swimmer:

Such a happy family post-swimming.

mid-March 2020 was bonkers.

Instagram caption: 2 down, 516 to go? 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🤦🏻‍♀️ Soooo it turns out I’ve only seen 5 or 6 of the Marvel movies. What can I say, violence and conflict stress me out 😅. Chuck has been trying for the last couple years to commit me to watching ALL of the movies in order as a fun family Marvel movie marathon. I’ve withstood his efforts until now; last night was Iron Man, tonight was Iron Man 2, Thor is next I think? Hopefully Thursday night, and then Captain America... maybe the next Friday after that. Turns out we’re not actually all home together that often 😭.

{Probably should’ve given in last March, whoops! 🥴😂😭}

Slightly intimidated by the hundreds of hours of film time in front of me BUT pretty psyched to feel less like a poser when I wear Marvel t-shirts 😎 Let’s do this 📽

Enjoy a million screenshots about me, aka an enneagram 2:

(oh, and Chuck is a 5)

Cutest kitty on a bed:

Very belated end of wrestling season banquet:

One million pictures with an awesome guy, Coach Beck.

And one picture with a pretty stellar mom, aka me.

Girls night:

Things clearly got serious with our server... or not serious I guess, based on our laughter:

Came home to my girlies waiting for me in my bed haha.

Instagram caption: One of my greatest passions as I work with young people is to help them understand that “hot” is not a flavor, and if it was a flavor, it would be a gross flavor. 

One of my best party tricks at school is to steal Takis or Flamin’ Cheetos from a student and make them laugh... a lot... as I eat them and (genuinely!) freak out at how spicy they are. 

Last week I tried jalapeño Cheetos and immediately regretted it. Today that student brought a separate small bag of REGULAR DELICIOUS CHEETOS for me to munch while we worked on social studies and I once again believe that the children are our future. I can overlook sketchy taste in chips by teenagers who are also this thoughtful and sweet 😭.

I wear... a lot of black:

Cute monkey in a tree!

I feel like these are free Arctic Circle sundaes? Maybe? Also hoping they shared with me?

Super proud of Jack. He put so much into being a good student and friend and classmate and I love that he's recognized for it.

Monumental: I had a Popeye's chicken sandwich for the first time.
100 percent lived up to the hype. Delicious.

Carma wrapped up her little dance classes with a 'performance' night to demonstrate what they learned, and it was adorable:

Such supportive big brothers ;).


Hip hop with Holly!

More Sharon:

Instagram caption: It’s been a hot minute (aka multiple months) since we’ve been able to spend time with my dad, so a few hours yesterday at the park was perfect. Witness it take four grandkids to get him out in ‘hide and seek tag’ and then ponder that he offered me $10 if I could take a game of tennis off him. I gave up after... eight games? This guy’s a legend 🎾🎾🎾

The wee children created an obstacle course that Grandpa dutifully timed over and over for each kid:

Why it ended with a face first dive down the slide I'll never know haha.

And a couple more pictures and hugs haha:

One thing about our self-reliance youth class is we have treats and snacks every week:

this outfit is a vibe tho.

Hugging cousins:

Never really done leprechaun traps and I've felt really good about that. So Carma was definitely left to her own devices for this one:

and it came out SO CUTE!

Also I got these overalls for Carma and almost died of the cuteness when she tried them on and as a VERY devout overall wearer circa 1997 I felt very close to her. Guess how many times she actually wore them? Zero. Siiiiigh.

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