
Wednesday, July 5, 2023

May 2020: girls' retreat

 Sometimes in the middle of a worldwide pandemic you just need a weekend with your best friends. Enter: a quick trip to Twin Falls. The original plan was to meet Nicole there (kind of halfway) but she legit ended up driving allll the way to Boise and driving down with us. I mean, I wouldn't want to miss a minute in the car with us either:

Settling in at the Airbnb:

Sweetest girls ever were totally down with a stop by the cemetery so I could see my grandparents:

Target run for the all the essentials and non-essentials:

Is this the best group picture we've ever taken?! Yes, yes it is. I will never speak disparagingly again about the Target self-checkout cameras. 

Backrow buddies:

Back at the house, hot tubbing for those so inclined:

Somehow I didn't get more pictures of bedrooms... and I for sure don't remember accurately the room arrangements. I think I had my own room? Were there four bedrooms total? 

Brunch! Abracadabras - which I didn't remember but looked at the menu in the picture. Also FaceTiming with cute kids:

Now I'm hungry again.

Social distancing - we had to sit at two different tables. It seemed easier than trying to explain we were all from the same household.

Things got a little controversial with SOME people going to get drinks and cookies without the rest of us:

.... so we made another trip. I feel like this was my first Twisted Sugar experience? We spent the rest of the afternoon shopping and working up an appetite for...


So good.

After dinner it was time for some Lori Vallow catch-up. Emily is our resident expert. We all know Lori's guilty. 

and thennnnn it was time for trivia, sharing all the stories, and dares:

Soooo much laughter.

Some waxing:

Kara had to brush my teeth:

This is right about the time she talked in what kind of work training she learned to brush another adult's teeth aaaaaand I lost it:

Girl could be a dental hygienist though, very quality work!

I think this is... hot sauce? Mixed in ice cream? Or just by itself?

My score was okay, not super impressive. The things we learned though! 

We tried to sum each of us up in a word, harder than you'd think:

These were the adjectives I came up with. There was some pretty serious baring of souls that night (as always) and I am so grateful for our differences and the safe place we can be for each other.

Kara was the trivia game queen - she put together the questionnaires, compiled the answers, created the quiz, and looked gorgeous whilst doing so:

The next morning... aka the end of our weekend together... came way too soon. We fit in a few last minute items of business, starting with sorting out all of the shopping haha:


haircuts AND presents!

this amazing spread for breakfast:

... and some basketball!

I think Paulina would only take Kara on if she agreed to close one eye:

I'm not saying there were some fouls, but even I can see that elbow being thrown:

Me, help pack up the car? Nah, I'm good.

How many women does it take to close the back of the car when we all did a weeeee bit too much shopping?

                                            Got it!

Stopped at the canyon on our way out of town to watch the paragliders! (Is that what they're called? Bridge jumpers?)

You can tell I'm getting panicky about a girls trip ending when I start mandating ridiculous photo poses - "Okay, circle of our shoes! Circle of our faces!"

The whole line-up.

I call this one 'Kara and .... eh, no one else matters, just focus on Kara'

I say it all the time, but these six girls will never understand how much they mean to me. Thanks for a perfect getaway my loves!

I was very happy to come home, especially with a cute sign welcoming me back:

Carma showing me where she kissed the poster with lipstick haha.

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