
Monday, July 3, 2023

May 2020: the first half

 An emotional check in from D.I. Miss you too.

Carma did... her makeup? And climbed a tree?             

We went for a family walk. Along the path. I'll tell you, not since we moved into this house and Chuck worked nights and I had two boys under two has our family logged quite so many miles on this amazing path by our house - I used to stick both Clyde and Will in the double stroller and walk and walk and walk in the evenings. 

So happy they can walk on their own now and I don't have to push the stroller.

Gosh we love this tree.

Insta caption: I always knew my true calling was in the theater, just took me a while to get here 🤩💃🏻🌟🎬📽👏🏼👏🏼

Insta caption: Happy Star Wars Day, yo

some behind the scenes ;)

Wardrobe change mid day? Maybe I actually showered?

Some stick on earring fun.

More... what else... bike adventures:

Jack rides hard... and sometimes needs his mom ;).


Fam bike ride along the Nampa greenbelt:

Insta caption: Pro tip if you find yourself with chilly fingers towards the end of a ridiculously long bike ride: wear your mom’s socks as mittens for the last half mile home! 🤗👍🏼🤔🧦🔜🧤

But seriously:

Insta caption: Jack got a bicycle upgrade this week... then he busted two helmets in two days so he got a new helmet too 😅 (that withstood a decent collision with Clyde yesterday, lucky!). Jack also let Chuck pull his snaggle tooth yesterday in exchange for screen time and a trip to the bike park. Basically, this adorably freckled boy has had a lot going on lately and we’re happy to be along for the ride 🤩

In most things, Chuck is the fun, cool parent... except that he prefers the kids to ride in the truck and I let them sit in the back for fairly short distances. 

May 8th: social distancing has entered the chat...

Some amazing stills from a birthday song video to cousin Bailey. Quite enthusiastic performers we have...

Ohh hey happy Mother's Day! Pretty thrilled to have these four babies to love and raise!

Me and my brothers went for sentimental for my mama this year:

Nothing to see here ;).

My mom!

Me and my kids!
Insta caption: Here is Carma answering the age-old question: when was the last time any of these people showered?! 👀🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️😘 Izatts are over here trying to conserve water and suck up to Mother Earth so the murder hornets don’t get us 🙏🏼🤩🌎🚱♻️🙅🏻‍♀️😵

Cute little sibling sleepover on the trampoline.

Back to business Monday morning:

and back to not business that afternoon....

Jack realized the genius that is audio books. Hellooooo Harry Potter!
Heyyyy it's me.

Don't remember why we were digging through papers but anytime I find my SAT score or ACT score I have to show everyone in a three to five mile radius that dangit my high school grades, attendance, and attitude were iffy but I sure tested real good ;).

Carma testing out the next step up in bikes:

Ready for it!

Total perk of working at your kid's school is that their teacher can easily pass along heartwarming assignment responses like this:

Take 1... and take 2. Walkers did a super cute video message for Ivy's bday and we got to participate!!!

Insta caption: Are YOU interested in a personalized apology note from a ridiculously sweet Carma June? 😍😍 All you need to do is live in our neighborhood and have a big full flowery bush? plant? super handy for a little girl to sneak a couple blooms off 🌺😅🤦🏻‍♀️. The note will be hand delivered ALONG WITH A PENNY from the ‘spending’ compartment of her piggy bank and an in person apology. Feel free to answer the door with your video game headset still on and quickly assure Carma that she can always take one “make sure you get a good one!” and then head back to your game so you don’t let the bros down 🎧🕹🎮. Also yes, the apology note was scripted by yours truly. I might do ghostwriting as a side gig, hit me up! 💁🏻‍♀️

Just when you think Chuck can't get any more amazing, he makes quiche.

I think these pictures were supposed to highlight the beautiful sky? Not sure. I guess just admire the beautiful, hairy children.

Daaaaang I'm a two:

This made me laugh ;).

Stopped into the school... sure miss seeing a million crazy middle schoolers on this field.

We're doing great without access to haircuts, why do you ask?

Probably should have made this purchase - this is one of my themes as I work with middle schoolers. It's a privilege to be let into their world and be able to build them up and share my confidence in them and watch as they build up their own.

Insta caption: Savers re-opened yesterday which means I made it 62 days between visits. Today marks 64 days away from Target and 63 days since I last shopped at D.I. Recording this for my descendants who will surely marvel at my courage and strength and endurance. 😇😇

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