
Sunday, March 22, 2020

december 2k18: school edition

Round-up of middle school sub jobs: mostly at EVMS with a day at West and a day at South mixed in.

I don't sub for the money. I sub for the praise.

Literally. For the praise. I chant these nice things in my head when defiant kids tell me they don't have to sit in their assigned seats or take their hat off or whatever, because I'm not their real teacher or they don't care what I say haha. Ohhh angsty teenagers!

I spent two days in one of my favorite jobs, theater at Columbia - ohhh I love those kids! Got a steal of a deal on that Sharpie tattoo, probably the best dollar I've ever spent.
Ohhh cute kids!

I also subbed two days in Jack's classroom!

It was sooo much work! Kids were darling, but dang you have to be on your toes. In the older grades you can always take a minute to re-read something in the sub notes if you're confused or can't remember. First grade? These kids have been taught so well and held to wonderful high standards but still... they're six and seven. You can't pause to flip through sub notes - you'll totally lose them in the meantime. Elementary teachers are the best!

I got to see some of Jack's work - such as this one where he shares that if Santa got stuck in our chimney, our family would help him. And then Santa would fill his stocking.

And this classic story about a bear kicking Jack in the nuts.... then the bear taking a nerf dart to the eyeball in retaliation... then Jack getting the bear right in the back with a block of ice... then the rest of the Izatt boys joining in for some nerf action... primarily getting the bear in his nuts. A whirlwind ride!

Instagram caption: Second cousins make for pretty cute school rivals! We loved watching Cecily in action; girl is a superstar on both ends the court but she’s particularly stellar on defense 🤩⛹🏻‍♀️🏀. Clyde remained loyal to East Valley but Carma happily yelled “Go Sage Valley!” loud enough for the whole fam 😅😉

Seriously, Cec was everywhere on defense. Such a babe!!

East Valley holiday choir concert was combined over at the high school and super fun to watch:
Santa and Mrs. Claus came to Carma's preschool! Super cute; Carma June loved it. 

Sing-a-long at Park Ridge:

 And Christmas gifts for Will's and Jack's teachers - Carma helped out and delivered Sarah's to her :). Perfect way to wrap up school for December!

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