
Thursday, December 26, 2019

October 2k18 school stuff

Ahh yes, here come Jackers and Will biking home from school to read this exciting update on all the school-related things in October... 2018...

More subbing! I picked up 13 jobs during this month all over the district, which was a great way to get to know different schools and subjects. This particular day I was able to be at an alternative high school in the childcare room - spending an hour after lunch rocking a sleeping baby in a dark room? Heaven!

This was a first grade class - found one of Grandma Thomas' books in the teacher's collection of 'read aloud' options for after lunch. Pretty obvious choice!
Preschool for Carma continued to go so, so well - she and Chuck got into a great routine on his days off while I subbed. I loved seeing the outfits she came up with once I got home from school!

Clyde had a choir concert! Cute boy:

As always, the younger siblings' favorite part of the concert was helping to put away the benches, tables, and chairs afterwards!

Mmm maybe a second grade classroom this day? We did a cute exercise talking about how to turn an enemy into a friend and I was pretty impressed with the ideas the kids came up with:

I got to sub in my friend Chris' math class at East Valley! She left logic puzzles for the kids to work on, so obviously I had to attempt it too. And Clyde was thrilled to have me at his school! ... kind of ;).

Another day at East Valley - this time in 7th grade English/Language Arts. It was pretty perfect timing for us to run over and grab Carma after preschool!

Another day of math at East Valley and another logic puzzle and another selfie with Clyde as we left. Also, shoes off relaxing on the floor during prep period.... because.... middle school.

I hadn't specifically planned on subbing for any of my kids' teachers, but Mrs. Keene reached out to me and asked if I was available - I figured if she thought I could handle it then I should at least try! Will and Jack loved carpooling to and from school together, and I loved being in Will's classroom. Mrs. Keene had clearly done so much in the first eight weeks of school to establish high expectations and a safe environment for these kids to thrive.

Mishmash of other days - I did one? two? at high schools and didn't love it - again, oddly enough I feel such a pull towards middle school! I did another day at South and another day at Park Ridge too. It's really fun to pull up the list of available jobs and see the options - and especially fun to get 'preferred substitute' emails alerting me to jobs being posted by teachers whose rooms I'd subbed in already and who had specifically said they'd want me to come back. 

Obviously the transition to working a few days a week meant a lot of being flexible and missing things - like Carma's preschool field trip to Linder Farms! Melinda had to work that day too so we sent Carma and McKay with Chuck and pleas to take many a picture:

And of course he came through! They clearly had the best time feeding animals at the petting zoo area, picking pumpkins, running around the small corn maze, and burying each other in the corn pit. 

More preschool fun - dress-up day for Halloween; Elsa and Mario are a pretty cute duo:

And more pictures from when I'm gone at work - I think the talented Grandma Pam is responsible for this amazing hairdo... and fun afternoon plans with Chuck are responsible for a cute sleeping girlie on the drive home :).

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