
Friday, December 27, 2019

October 2k18: all the things

There's a chance I get slightly obsessed with our front tree in autumn - sooo pretty! Also pretty is the leaf art that a child brought home from school. I feel like it was Carma?

Also obsessed with these throwback pictures of Will and Jack playing in the leaves with Jaxen and Nathan Swenson; I found these in the downloads folder on my computer and I can't believe I've left them there overlooked for so long! This should have been fall 2013 - so I bet Shelly was watching the boys while I had a dr appt listening to a cute Carma Junie heartbeat. Cutest group of boys!!

Jackers played basketball through the rec center and it was, as always, adorable. He generally opted for the 'hot potato' approach (a family favorite in competitive sports - get rid of the ball as quickly as you get it haha) and had such a great time:

His coach was awesome and really helped encourage him and boost his confidence.

Cheering section! Carma and I were the diehard fans at almost every practice and game and Jack especially loved with Dad and Clyde and Will could make it too:

Ah, right towards the end of Jack's dabbing career. Those blue eyes kill anyone else? Just me?

We got to have some Kirkendall girls over one day, so I banished them and Will and Jack into the playroom with the legos and heard nary a complaint the whole time. I love them.

Emily watched Carma for me one day for a bit and Carma was beyond in heaven with two fairy godmothers to get her dressed and made-up for the ball!

Chuck and I buy a lottery ticket approximately once every ten years but DON'T WORRY, we have some pretty solid plans for if we ever win haha:

I honestly can't remember why Will wrote this cute note to me after I subbed in his classroom - I think it was something about him wanting to put it in the mailbox anonymously but somehow I figured out it was him ;).


Caption via instagram - 
Me: “Carma, I think you put too much lipstick on.” Carma: “I didn’t.”


We had a day (or two?) off school this month, so being the FUN mom that I am... we did flu shots and haircuts! (the wrestling by the car was obviously instigated by Clyde though). Flu shots are especially important for kids who are so unafraid of germs that they all take a lick of each other's suckers on the way out of the doctor's office - even if they have the same flavor?! Goobers.

I think this was another day off from school? Grace was heading to the aquarium with her chillens and bravely took Jack and Carma along too. My kids had such a great time and I love that Grace knew to text me pictures afterwards haha!

Random cute Carma in some random Carma outfits ;).

Pretty much died when I showed up to girls night at Em's and these notes were on the front door, courtesy of my sweetheart girlies Bailey and Alayna. We might have broken rules 1, 2, and 4 laughing at how cute this whole set-up was.. especially since it was completely unbeknownst to Emily haha. Also, screenshot of Marco Polo because it's the best for keeping us all in touch and following along with Nicole building a house... in hazmat gear...

When you try to take a sweet snuggling picture and your pre-teen realizes it and tries to bolt haha.

Random around the house pictures - Jack loves documenting the family college football feud:

Once again, his eyes! I might let him stay a BYU fan just because of how darling he looks in navy blue!

Halloween round up! Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, an army guy, and a policewoman:
Carma and I were cowgirls for workout class that morning, Clyde and Clark were the cutest pair of Harry Potters I've ever seen, and Pikachu Michael was awesome for keeping Jack and Carma happy and entertained throughout the trunk or treat.

Chuck missed out on dressing up since he had to work (I'm sure he was really disappointed ;) ) so I went as a 49er in his honor. Gold pants for the win!

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