(lucky, eh?)
Chuck has always been incredibly sweet, but over the last week he's amped it up even more. (I don't know if he realizes that now there's no going back!) I've especially appreciated his help yesterday and today. Yesterday was an extremely stressful day with some family issues, and Chuck never complained as I frequently woke him up with updates and asking for advice. When I got home later (great day for my annual ob/gyn visit), he insisted we order out for dinner - in his words, "I don't feel like cooking. And I know you don't feel like cooking."
And then today, he was very supportive while I was gone for six hours helping my brother Cody with some things (which was not the first time I've been needed in that capacity). He took care of the boys all day, grocery shopped, and prepared the dinner that we had been asked to take to a family in our ward. I got home feeling a bit emotionally drained and both boys were asleep (they never nap at the same time for me, only Daddy) and Chuck was in the kitchen cooking. He even suggested I go lie down! Chuck took care of the delivery of the meal as well, and is now out with other guys from the ward helping a family move. In the rain. As if it couldn't get any better, I happened to glance in the freezer and he picked up my favorite ice cream. Even after I polished the last quart off by myself after promising to save it for a night we were home together.
I love Chuck tons and tons and I'm so glad that he not only puts up with me, but loves me back. I'm constantly amazed and reaffirmed by how much more wonderful and rewarding our marriage is as we each look for ways to serve the other person. I guess I've got some work cut out for me now - maybe tonight I'll offer to actually dish up the ice cream for once . . .