
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Recent-ish developments

So, this is a little late but Clyde got his cast off last Thursday! That morning the little boys and I walked around downtown Boise while Chuck was in a meeting and Clyde enjoyed running around in his cast for the last time: I sat down on the sidewalk with the camera, and Clyde and Will just ran back and forth from me to the bench. Nutters.
At one point a couple walked by and the guy said of Clyde, "If he keeps going at that rate, he's going to break his other leg too!" Oh, I know.
Taking a brief break from running.
After Chuck rejoined us, it was time to go the doctor! I didn't know exactly how cast removal worked, but I was sure that Clyde would scream and wail and thrash.
But he totally surprised me and was completely calm! I was still glad that Chuck was holding him and not me.
They use a 'vibrating saw' so it can't cut his skin (the lady demonstrated on her own arm, although for a second I thought she was reaching for MY arm) and it also has a vacuum feature to suck up all of the dust. All Clyde needed to hear was that it was a special vacuum, and he was totally on board! Will, on the other hand, cried. Such an empathetic little brother :)
Cutting through the last layers, and finally . . .
FREE! What a dirty foot :)

They did another x-ray just to make sure that the growth plate looked good, which it did, so we're all done! As we were finishing up, Dr. Shea told Clyde that he has to be all done getting hurt now and then left the room. Less than thirty seconds later, while trying to crawl around and get back on the exam table, Clyde fell and bonked his head on a stool.
In Will news, my darling 14-month-old has finally decided that there may be more to life than baby food. For so long he would just throw the cheerios/cracker/bread/etc off his tray, or worse yet, seriously gag on it if he attempted ingestion. But now he's eating them all like a champ, and often nakedly:
Remnants of his grilled cheese sandwich.
Working on a PB&J, a staple in our home.
This was a different day than the grilled cheese; he just goes through more clothes now that he actually chews (and dribbles out) food. And we have a very lax dress code for cute little boys around the house :)
Is this awful that I gave his Cheerios to him like this? I promise I know he's not a puppy, but there are a few similarities . . . at least he's dressed here!

Oh, and lest I forget, my sweet niece Mallory wrote me a letter on her blog with instructions to answer it on my blog, so:
Dearest Mallory,
I'm good, how are you? Clyde and Will are doing well; they're as silly as ever! That's awesome you got a Wii Fit - you'll have to show me how it works when we come down for the Fourth of July! I hope you're having a good start to your summer!
Love, Jana


jayna said...

I find myself in various stages of undressed-ness during the days of just caring for half-dressed children. It seems nudity is rather catching.

mama izatt said...

Naked does save on the laundry bill (I could be convinced to live in my swimsuit). I'm glad to hear Clyde is out of his cast. Maybe we'll have to take a hike over the fourth.

Missy08 said...

wow cute picture glad clyde got his cast off and doing well my son runs around with out clothes to so ur not the only one

Sam and Terri said...

You should keep that cast around and if Clyde starts to misbehave just bust it out and and give him the look. You know the, "there's more where this came from.." look.