
Sunday, May 11, 2014

BFSC Reunion Spring 2014

[that title implies that there might be another reunion in 2014, which is slightly unlikely given that Heidi is moving across the country this week, but I'm going to choose to be optimistic and leave the possibility open because otherwise I'll cry :) ]
So after our perfect and wonderful BFSC reunion last fall, I promised Heidi up and down that I would visit her at Utah State sometime this spring before she graduated. And, like most promises I make, it became more and more clear that it was not going to be fulfilled - so Heidi and Courtney came to me instead!! They braved the road trip with Courtney's two little boys in tow about a month ago, just in time for my baby shower :).

Did I mention all the presents they brought me?? In addition to supercute gifts they gave me at the aforementioned shower, Courtney also made tons of DARLING bows for baby girl Izatt AND a ridiculously cute Minnie Mouse onesie (with matching bow). So fun. 
 Heidi just kept pulling things out of her bag for me: an iPhone, chocolate from Paris, Nutella, cookies, etc. (My favorite line: "Hmm, maybe I should have saved the iPhone for last..."). I seriously felt so spoiled - by them coming, by all the gifts, later in the weekend when at one point Courtney was straightening my hair while Heidi did my make-up. I honestly don't know how I scored such amazing best friend/sister/cousins but I'm sooooo glad they're mine!

 We were total bums and didn't take enough pictures, but we had a fantastic couple of days together. Highlights were talking, talking, talking, possibly Heidi and I not getting dressed at all one day, spending an embarrassing amount of time facebook stalking/online stalking complete strangers to figure out their backstory hahahaha, running errands, making a late night visit to my mom's house and me volunteering Heidi to do her makeup (it's cool, I chipped in all four pieces of my makeup collection), more talking.
 The little boys were all champs and got along awesomely; I loved how quickly Jack and Hudson became co-conspirators one morning to eat all the leftover rolls and commandeer the ipad :).

 As I said, we for sure didn't take enough pictures, but please enjoy these group shots that we braved the elements (sun and wind) to capture. L to R: Clyde, Jana & Jack, Heidi & Chase, Courtney & Hudson, Will.
And a few of us from my shower. 

Heidi and Courtney: I can't wait to see you again and in the meantime, I'm so grateful for how close we stay via calling/texting/emailing/fb. Love you both buckets and buckets!!


jayna said...

Yeah, nice friends, lovely times together...blah blah blah...GIVE ME THAT BABY!! I mean, nervous laughter, US. Give US, your collective readership, a perfectly darling baby girl to steal, I mean, admire on your blog.

Ben and Courtney Hugo said...

Love it Jana. And I love you. And baby girl- who will be here so stinkin soon!

Holly Cameron said...
