
Friday, September 27, 2013

BFSC reunion!

The good Lord didn't see fit to bless me with any sisters (although, as I've said before, Quinn filled in nicely) but He has given me incredible friends to bridge the gap - most notably my bestfriend/sister/cousins Courtney and Heidi. I've known these [actual] sisters since... forever? Early 90's? Before Heidi was born?
Here are some of our more recent pictures (in the last four years or so).

Anyhow, it had been over a year since the three of us had been together - and that I'd seen Heidi at all - so they sweetly road tripped to Nampa last weekend to come visit me! And despite the fact that the actual drive was hellish both directions (crying children, traffic delays that added an extra two hours, ugly landscapes, puking children, speeding ticket) our time together was perfect and wonderful and I'm so, so, glad they came!!
Heidi and I may have made a late night Winco run for nacho cheese (for Chuck's work potluck). And we may have documented it. And the three of us may have made a Target run the next day that I also felt like needed to be documented, haha.

Heidi is well-known for her chocolate chip cookies (aptly nicknamed 'Heidi cookies') so I made it pretty clear she wasn't welcome in the house unless she promised to make me some.
She and Courtney sweetly obliged and they were soooo good. I'm sitting here coveting the dough right now...

And in case the cookies didn't provide us with enough sugar/chocolate/deliciousness, the next night I was prevailed upon telepathically to make some brownies. We had talked about it earlier in the weekend, but even then it was pretty impressive that all Heidi had to say was, "Sooo...." and then look at Courtney to jump in and I immediately knew what they wanted, haha.
And we learned that if you only have one box of each brand, it's OKAY! They mixed together deliciously. Dang it, now I want brownies.

 We did stop eating desserts long enough to check on the five (or one thousand, per Heidi) little boys:
Luckily they played together and had loads of fun and were pretty low maintenance, hooray! And Court and Heid - check out the picture of them on the floor playing ipad - almost like a circle head picture, right??

I loved being able to stay up late Friday night to have such a needed, in-depth talk with Heidi (the kind that's hard to replicate via phone calls, although we do our best!!) and I loved getting time with Courtney early Saturday morning, thanks to our bright eyed boys and mostly I just loved that they came all this way just to see me!
I LOVE you girls soooooooooo much! Come back soon! Maybe fly next time!
(and as always, thanks to Heidi for doing my make-up. You're amazing)


Ben and Courtney Hugo said...

I'm still laughing about "maybe fly next time!" when we are probably just road trip wimps and you've made that drive about 50 times to see us!

Holly Cameron said...

You girls are all just so cute!

jayna said...

Too long of a blog absence indeed! Lovely ladies and glad you have them!

Ben and Courtney Hugo said...

K- I just reread the first part of this, and to clarify we were definitely friends before Heidi was born. I know this specifically because when I got to the hospital to meet Heidi, Pam was already there holding her! And for the next year or so Nate told people that's how we got Heidi- Pam gave her to us. So you and I were definitely friends pre-Heidi's arrival.