
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Our 4th of July festivities

I sure do love the United States; I count myself very lucky to have been born here and have the freedom to be my strong-willed (Chuck would say stubborn) self and be able to say and believe what I choose. I'm sometimes hard-pressed to find others whose political and religious beliefs both align with mine, and for that reason I'm always especially grateful for the diversity of thought that can exist without fear of censure/judgment/imprisonment. I'm aware (although probably not to the extent that I should be) that this is a luxury that is not available worldwide and I appreciate any opportunity to celebrate our country's freedoms.

 Here's a happy little American boy playing in a [dirty-ish] bucket. Let freedom ring!
 Our Independence Day started with the traditional pancake breakfast with our wonderful church family.
 Funny story: I got there early and passed the Bishop as he ran home to get something. I quickly admonished him (very respectfully, I'm sure) for his yellow shirt, so he came back wearing a red shirt, white shorts, and blue shoes (bottom right picture) and made sure to show me. Good job Bishop!

 The Boys Scouts and Cub Scouts used the ward breakfast as a Court of Honor to present some awards. I was happy to step in and reprise my role as Cubmaster for the occasion since Sister Green was out of town.
I oversaw the Cubs doing the flag ceremony and then handed out their Day Camp patches. Chuck helped hand out the Scout Camp patches and merit badges. It was nice to have one last hurrah as a Scouting couple :).

 The Primary kids had a little bike/scooter/wagon parade around the church that culminated in a rousing performance of "My Flag, My Flag", so that was adorable:
 It was my idea to put Clyde's Captain America shield on his bike. I just want that to be clear.

 That afternoon we met some friends for the Middleton Parade; it was pretty sweet. The fire trucks spraying water at the end was probably the highlight!!

More water fun:
 We kept Jack out of the direct water, so instead he poured his water bottle out on himself and his tray. It worked!

 Oh, random story: I figured out that my boys have worn the exact same [matching] shirts for three years in a row:
 top left, 2011. bottom left, 2012. right, 2013. I'm 88% sure Clyde will be able to squeeze his on again next year, wooo!

 The rest of the day was unphotographed, but very fun. We ate lunch and had naps and then met with friends for a BBQ dinner, complete with delicious homemade ice cream because Shelly is amazing. Then we headed back out to Middleton for a pretty amazing fireworks show. Here we are all decked out in glowsticks just before the fireworks started:
Happy birthday, America!

1 comment:

Ben and Courtney Hugo said...

Wish you were in Utah celebrating with us- but it's fun to read about how you did celebrate! Love you!