
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Snow Much Fun (part one)

Well, as anyone who lives in the Treasure Valley or has a facebook friend who lives in the Treasure Valley knows, it has been a pretty snowy January around these parts which has delighted the little boys!
Clyde and Will were quite keen on helping Chuck with the shoveling and they impressively made it pretty far.

Once the sidewalks were mostly clear, it was time for the fun aspect of a snowy yard: building snowmen! And if there's anything more attractive than my husband tackling (figuratively and literally) that bonding experience with the boys by himself while I stayed inside and warm, I certainly couldn't think of it at that moment.

I did venture out towards the end to provide some accessories - although the light sabers were all Chuck, Clyde and Will. We were pretty psyched to have two snow Jedi as guardians of peace and justice in our galaxy!

Which is why it served as a good reminder to be ever vigilant when we woke up one morning  a couple of weeks later to discover this tragic scene:
Our Snow Jedi had been destroyed in the dark of the night. We tried to heed Master Yoda's wise counsel from Episode III: "Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not."

So rejoice the boys did, by using the snow piles to climb and play on!

Poor Will was quite unsure about how to get down once he got up, so Clyde very sweetly helped him :).

Stay tuned for part two of some of our snowy adventures, this time when Chuck took the older boys sledding and once again Jack and I opted for our warm, dry house...


Ben and Courtney Hugo said...

Jedi snowmen! I love it!

Holly Cameron said...

I love how you correlated a quote from the movie with all this. You guys are awesome!