November ended in a whirl of paper-writing, which left little time for blog-writing. Besides Chuck's b-day, here's what else we've been up to:

My fabulous friend Megan came over for a visit one day with her cute baby boy Johnathan. Meg and I became fast friends when we worked at Rite Aid together. We used to have so much fun there, especially after I became a supervisor and they let us close the store together. Hard to believe neither of us ever got written up!
This picture makes me laugh for a couple of reasons. One, I obviously put Clyde in Will's pajamas and didn't notice it until the next morning. Two, this is how Clyde wanted to eat his pancakes, I promise. The rest of us were at the table, but I'm a big fan of choosing your battles, hence his breakfast on the floor.
Chuck and I finally made it to a Boise State game - the last one of the season! It was FREEZING, even with my layers, but definitely fun and worth it to see us officially win the WAC. Chuck and I opted not to rush the field, and instead enjoyed the view from the stands. It was kind of bittersweet to sit in the student section for the last time - love the free/cheap tickets, don't love the wack-o, inebriated fans. This guy next to Chuck stripped down during the first quarter to NOTHING but this weird lycra orange bodysuit. It was very uncomfortable for everyone involved, especially the guy who was so cold and finally put his clothes back on after halftime. Here's to hoping season tickets are in our semi-immediate future so we can enjoy next season's games on the other side of the stadium!

As I mentioned, I spent the last weekend in November feverishly finishing my big 20 page Senior Seminar paper and working on a 12 page group paper for another class. A huge THANK YOU to my mom who took the little boys Thursday overnight so Chuck and I could go to the temple early Friday morning, and then taking them again all day Saturday, overnight, and most of the day Sunday so I could finish the paper in peace since Chuck had to work. It's finally hitting me that I actually graduate in a week and a half, wahoo! Graduation is Friday, December 18th and that evening we're having an Open House so people can come celebrate with us. I'm sending out a few invitations, but if I miss you and you would like to come party it up, that would be GREAT! It will be from 6 to 8:30 that evening at our house - very casual, come and go as you want. Email me at if you need our address or directions!
you mean you dont ALL eat pancakes on stools on the floor ? Oh, gosh I mean no - we neeevvvverrrr do that.
And we also NEVER have fruit snacks animal cookies and juice in the car for breakfast either. seriously, some moms freak me out.
I always love seeing the new art projects you've come up with when I come over! Graduation is so close you must be able to taste it by now. Congratulations!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the idea of the tree. I am totally going to steal that idea for when we have kids. What a creative idea! Your kids are sure lucky to have you!!!
Are you counting the days down to graduation? Post lots of pictures of you in that coveted cap and gown :)
Yay graduation!! I'm so excited for you! By the way I love the picture of Clyde asleep!
I love the Thanksgiving tree!! We will be at the party! Yay!!
It makes you the great mom that you are that you let Clyde eat his pancakes on the stool on the floor. :)
I am SO excited for your graduation!! It is such an accomplishment. I'm glad your mom has been there to be such a support throughout and especially these last few weeks.
You are a cute little mom and homemaker and student and wife and primary worker.
Just sayin'.
I never knew clyde could love anything more than star wars...but apparently trains were a big hit back in the day!
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