
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Random update courtesy of the cell phone camera

Well, I've officially become one of "those" "people" who take more pictures with their cell phone than with their actual camera... and here's a random selection of such pictures!
 Will celebrated 100 days of school with these glasses, which made me sooo happy. Jack took to wearing them around the house upside down, which also provided loads of laughter.

 Clyde and Will had a 'come to Jesus' moment in January when their beloved lego table and lego collection were removed from their bedroom for a spell. They were thrilled when they earned it back with good behavior :).
  Jack was thrilled that he managed to slip in under the radar and play for a while (aka remove the Hulk's arms) before getting booted back to his room and Duplos...

Speaking of Jack, I have never met a kid SO into shopping carts. He loves them. He insists on getting buckled in them. Buuuut on one particular Target trip, I talked him into just walking around and it was hilarious:
He strolled about whilst dragging the basket and we got to stop and look at all sorts of neat things that he usually misses from his usual high perch. Added bonus: for most of the shopping expedition the lone item in his little basket was a very red bra (Happy Valentine's Day to Chuck!) that he would periodically stop and pull over his head, hahaha.

 Oh, every month or so the elementary school PTA has a 'dinner out' night where a local restaurant donates a portion of the sale to the boys' school if you give them a special flier when you check out. We don't participate very often (they're mostly at classy joints that we don't frequent, like Applebee's and Panda Express) but in February it was at Wendy's, which is much more our style. AND a few school staff members 'worked' at Wendy's for the night, including the amazing principal Ms. Christenson:
 Ms. Christenson is a superstar; she puts so much into the school. I've seen her subbing in a class, helping serve food in the lunchroom, pushing a wheelchair student during the jog-a-thon, etc. I love how involved and hands-on she is and how much she cares about the students - enough to spend an evening serving french fries and Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers! (definitely what I got...)

This picture makes me happy; I was taking a rest on the couch and Will opted to join me while he read some Berenstain Bears (he's currently obsessed).
 I love snuggling with Willy boy, and I also love the corner of my awesome face in this picture. Can you tell I don't have the cool phones where you can see what you're taking a picture of?? I just hold the sucker up and try to press the screen in the right spot; hence the dubious quality and content of some of the pictures :).

 This picture was taken on stealth mode during Clyde's classroom read-a-thon during Dr. Seuss week:
 Every fifteen minutes or so the kids got to draw a paper out of a bucket with instructions for a new way to read - this one was 'like an executive' :). Clyde's class is so cute; I love spending time in there.

 In other Clyde news, his primary leaders seem to think he's turning 8 this year:
 Obviously there's been some kind of mistake, but Chuck and I took him to the Baptism Preview anyways, just in case the math turned out legit. I think when people are considering having kids, they shouldn't ask themselves "Are we ready for a baby?" they should ask "Are we ready for an eight-year-old?" BECAUSE IT ALL GOES BY SO FAST and once you get through the diapers/feeding/sleeping/notsleeping/crying/etc, babies are cake, where as eight years olds are REAL people with agency and emotional needs and who require parenting and guidance and the instilling of morals. Sooo good luck to us!

 And finally, this paper came home in Will's backpack one day:
 It was during Valentine's Day week when the were studying 'V' and it's obviously the most precious thing ever. I sure love my boys!!


Holly Cameron said...

Awwwwe. K this post was just as good as your real camera posts. Love your boys. Jackers was so cute walkin around target with his bra. And I love the last picture. I love jana. So cute.

jayna said...

The red bra wearing Jack made me LOL too! Adorable.

And awwww is right- that note is so precious!

Ben and Courtney Hugo said...

Your boys have so much personality! I wonder where they got that from?

Ben and Courtney Hugo said...

Your boys have so much personality! I wonder where they got that from?

David said...

that's what they're telling us, ditch the camera, the cell phone does it all. but I still take my camera when I'm afraid I might lose whatever I'm carrying, since the cell phone is worth more.

Emily and Owen Johnston said...

Haha!! The red bra! My favorite part :)