
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Latest maternity/fashion blogging installment...

[from the world's least likely maternity/fashion blogger...]
So I had some 'free' time this morning (aka Jack is asleep and Will is reading and gettin' some screen time in, he loves him some Sid the Science kid!) so I evaluated all the things I could do... and blogging won. Specifically blogging about Sunday outfits/the expansion of my midsection, because, why not?
Last time I left off at the end of October, so this stretch will cover November-February, aka the period of time where I strove to provide my baby with the softest, squishiest, most well insulated environment possible :).

November:(Pregnancy weeks 12, 13, 14, 15)
The first outfit was this year's homage to autumn and the debut of my yellow tights. I'd planned on wearing a red cardigan, but it didn't really jive (as the rest of the outfit obviously did...). The second outfit is one of my favorite dresses and I try to stick with browns as much as possible in November, so here it is. And then the last two weeks were just more mix-ups of autumn-y colors. P.S. Those tights in week three NEVER stay the same length. Just thought I'd share. It's a phenomenon.

(Pregnancy weeks 16, 17, 18, 19, 20)
I might have had a  little lot of fun in December with Christmas colors. I remember the first outfit being a last minute change... the second outfit still makes me laugh. The third week Clyde was not super into taking my picture and we didn't get a good baby bump shot... hence the substitution of one from the Christmas party the night prior. The fourth week originally had a green shirt, but I broke my rule of waiting to get dressed until riiight before church and dripped syrup on it. Classy. And the last outfit for New Year's, the shirt was sparkly, hooray!

(Pregnancy weeks 21, 22, 23, 24 1/2)
Football play-offs! The first outfit was for my Packers... alas, it didn't work and they lost. Obviously don't want to talk about it... although I'd clearly gotten over it by the next week since I wore 49ers colors! And it worked! So you're welcome to Quinn and Chuck. The next week was my bday weekend so I replicated my bday outfit from last year, haha. The last Sunday in January we actually stayed home sick so that picture is from when I went to the temple later in the week.

 Aaaaand, February:(Pregnancy weeks 25, 26, 27, 28)
This is where things get serious, hahaha. I remember this time frame marking some pretty legit growth during Jack's pregnancy, and this go-round was no different. So the first outfit was Superbowl Sunday, and I picked the Seahawks since their colors sounded more fun to coordinate. The next week was for Valentine's Day, so I dug out every girly-colored article of clothing I own. The next week we were in Utah for baby Leila's blessing. I like how in the top picture it looks like I have to go to the bathroom. I was actually just turning to say hi to Quinn's friends, but let's face it: I probably also had to go to the bathroom. This baby lounges on my bladder like it's a sofa. And the last week's outfit was thrown together at 10:59 (church definitely starts at 11) because the orange dress I planned on wearing would absolutely not zip and I already had the leggings on :).

And those are my random Sunday outfits from the last few months! I continue to feel silly and vain and shallow carrying out my 'different outfit every week' goal, but it's really fun and harmless and makes me happy, so there you go. It is hard to get a picture every week, most of these are taken by Clyde but a few are definitely a result of using the self-timer and balancing the camera on the hood of the van.
Sidenote on Clyde's photography: it's pretty tricky to know when/if he's taken a picture... hence my confused face in a lot of the pictures, haha. He also likes to keep clicking when I think we're all done:
And last Sunday he helpfully captured me sneezing with these three shots. Thanks kiddo!


Ben and Courtney Hugo said...

I am literally speechless. Amazing.

Maren said...

Haha! I love these posts! And I always love your outfits at church!
LOVE the super candid shots by Clyde. :)

Izzy said...

Took me a while to figure out there weren't 8 weeks in a month.

Pamela Hunter-Braden said...

Okay--"lounging on my bladder like it's a sofa"--best line ever!!!

Holly Cameron said...

Ohhh jana! You're perfect! Seriously you're awesome for doing this and clyde is a pro. You guys are a good team. Lovin' your baby bump!

Holly Cameron said...

Oh and you are gorgeous in dark blue!

Unknown said...

You make me laugh! Love these posts. And someday your DAUGHTER will laugh and love these posts too! She'll say "OH mom! Look at your outfit! But you ARE so young and pretty!" Just like we did to our moms in their 70's attire!