
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Will aces swimming

 Will took another round of swimming lessons in January and February, and we are SO proud of our little fish. He was ready for Level 1, but since that isn't offered during the day (it's usually for kids six and up) we opted for 'Preschool 2' instead and happily discovered that there were only two students - meaning we got the 'semi-private' class size for the regular class price, wahoo! 

At this point I think we've had at least ten different swimming instructors, and Brady will be remembered as one of our favorites; he was so great working with Will and making sure the lessons were challenging - and Will stepped up and progressed so much.

Brady ended up passing him for both Preschool 2 AND Level 1, so when the boys take lessons again in May they'll both be in Level 2. Chuck and I feel so strongly about the boys having strong swimming skills and it's so rewarding to watch this happen.

And just for fun, here's a video of Will before his first lesson. I ran into his old speech therapist recently and it's so crazy to think that when she finished working with him just prior to his third birthday, he was only verbalizing a few words. Now two years later he's sooo chatty and we love it:

1 comment:

Tami P said...

Having your boys learn how to swim is such a good thing! I learned to swim as a child because there was a pool in every backyard and we lived next to a lake in my hometown in AZ. So, I was wondering how I would help my kids learn how to swim since things are a little different here. I am glad to know that there are such good options! Congratulations to Will for being so good at excelling in swimming lessons!