
Friday, March 22, 2013

February f.u.n.

Well it turns out we're on the downward slope towards April (what?!) so here's the customary recap of random pictures from last month:
SUPERBOWL Sunday, wooo! At the last minute I opted to support my husband and cheer for the 49ers. This was also because I stayed home from Stake Conference with sick kids (sending Chuck solo) so there was no occasion for putting together a black and purple church outfit. We ate delicious pancakes made by Chuck and his little sous-chefs and watched the game and cried a little at the end, but mostly it was a very fun day!

Cody and I saw this bumper sticker on truck by my grandpa's house and almost died laughing. Obviously had to take a picture.

OH, it was Valentine's Day! I was feeling loving towards my children the night before (I really do love my children all the time, but possibly slightly more when they're adorably asleep...) so I made a bunch of pink heart-ish shaped pancakes to reheat the next morning. I also supervised the boys after school while they made Chuck some sugar cookies.

That afternoon I sneaked into Clyde's classroom for a minute to see all the party fun, and Jack sneaked into a chair with easy access to conversation hearts.

In other news, Jack learned how to give high fives and it's adorable.

I subbed as Gospel Doctrine teacher in mid-February, which I haven't done forever but actually enjoy, minus the usual anxiety of course. It was a really good experience and reflecting more on the lesson the next day led to a pretty awesome spiritual epiphany for me personally, so that's always good!

No idea what this picture was supposed to be about; I just think my kid is darling :).

February means it's time for the Blue and Gold Banquet at Cub Scouts, wooo! I'm 88% sure everyone had a great time; the Wolves did a little play, the Bears did a musical number, and the Webelos did a couple cute skits. I also had the privilege of presenting Sister Murphy with a really neat award commemorating her years of service to the Scouting program. She was recently released as our Committee chairperson (she's now in the Relief Society presidency) and I'm so, so grateful for how much she's taught me over the last two and a half years. I was really glad that I had the opportunity to publicly honor her, and of course I cried!

My grandpa's interment was Monday following the funeral at the Veteran's Cemetery and it was amazing. It was snowing, and watching the lone Marine play the bugle on the hill overlooking the shelter where we stood was incredible. Beautiful service there. Afterwards, we decided to warm ourselves up with some all-you-can-eat pizza and Cody and Chuck immediately commenced an eating contest. Cody won; I think the eventual score was like 17 slices to 15 1/2. Ohhh boys.

Oh, and this just made me laugh. For Family Home Evening, we have Clyde and Will take turns being in charge - meaning they assign prayers, pick the song, and teach the lesson. The last Monday in February Clyde was in charge and taught about the difference between Jesus and Satan, using Legos to depict Heaven (the yellow legos), angels (the white ones), earth (blue and green) and Satan/his lair (black and red). Clyde was so cute as he handed out crayons and construction paper and instructed us to draw pictures about Heaven. As per the excerpt from his lesson plan, the main takeaway was that 'Saten is a bully'. Preach it, buddy!

And that's all she wrote about February, whew!


Tami P said...

Seeing all the cute pictures and hearing about all your family fun is making me excited to be a mom! You make it sound like so much fun. :)

Anonymous said...

Satan is a bully....I LOVE it!

Emily and Owen Johnston said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks their children are extra adorable while they are sleeping! AND you look really good!!

Ben and Courtney Hugo said...

Oh what cute kids! And a clever mom/cubmaster.

Holly Cameron said...

Ok! Cute! You guys are so much fun! I love the Valentine's pictures especially the one with a collage and jackers is in his highchair smiling away in the background! I love you guys!

Ryan and Jackie Galloway said...

Bumper sticker = hilarious