
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Good thing he's so cute!

Jackers [one of those nicknames you didn't really intend to use but just seems to come out constantly] is possibly the cutest baby ever. He's also quite possibly the worst sleeper ever right now... thus this post! I intend to have these pictures pulled up permanently on the iPad so that when I'm up feeding him every couple hours during the night I can see his sooo sweet smile and not lose my sleep-deprived mind...

 It would appear that Jack is already an Ellen fan, just one example of his good taste.

 I LOVE bathtime for the older boys because not only does it keep them happily occupied for quite a while, it also provides entertainment for the wee one, who stands and watches and giggles the entire time. Of course, those giggles disappear rapidly when it's HIS turn for the bath, but that's okay.

 With the onset of the collllld weather, Jack has been sporting pajamas in public. A lot. Like, sometimes he sleeps in just a diaper and then I put pajamas on him in the morning, haha. It's just the easiest way to dress him warmly without involving multiple articles of clothing AND socks, which are pretty much the bane of my existence. Also, please note the adorable-ness of Jack in a hat.

 Cute shots from church a couple of weeks ago. Maren and I were spending second hour in the foyer (discussing matters of great importance and spirituality, I'm sure) when I pulled out the camera and pointed it at Jack, only to have him break out into this smile as if on cue. You'd think I over-document the poor kid's life or something!

 Speaking of over-documentation, I always hesitate to try to take a picture of Jack when he's happily playing because he almost always abandons the activity in favor of crawling towards me and the camera....

 Here's another example. This one kills me - for the first four or five months of his life, we wanted Jack to use a binky soooo badly (well, Chuck more than me). He semi-politely declined. NOW he thinks they're super fun to play with and chew on... sigh.
 Yet another example. Although I think Will was pretty happy to have Jack cease the hair-pulling...

 Just being so cute as he munches on his puffs.

 I'm pretty sure I can't get enough of him in this little moose ensemble. 
 Which is why I had to snuggle with him later that day. Oh, also because he wasn't feeling well and REFUSED to sleep any other way. 

The moral of this [non]story is that Jackers is the cutest fussbucket around and we couldn't love him more!! 
Unless he slept better and then we definitely would.


Maren said...

What my brain got stuck on in this post? "Jack in a hat." Jack in the box + Cat in the Hat = Jack in a hat. Yep, the important things.

Also, that Jack is SO cute! And he looks a lot like Will in the middle photo of the puffs pictures.

Ginger said...

Jammies for clothes! How did I not think of this before!?! I hate baby socks too. They are THE WORST. I've seriously considered buying my baby boys wooly tights to wear in the winter so a)they wouldn't pull them off at Walmart while I'm not looking and throw them on the floor and b)I wouldn't have to match them.

Ben and Courtney Hugo said...

He sure is cute! I love how he totally has his own little look too- definitely looks like your kid, but different from both brothers. I love all the pictures! And I have similarly felt at times that we would love Chase just a little more if he slept better :)

Emily and Owen Johnston said...

He is so cute!!! I love that moose outfit...so adorable:) you look really cute in all of these pics, too:)

Holly Cameron said...

Oh baby Jack! He's smiling in like all the pictures! How do you do that? Love that boy!

jayna said...

He's worth it!!