(As I read the deluge of 'first day of school' blog posts the last few weeks, I was pretty psyched about two things: one, that my last 'first day of school' was two years ago and I never, never have to go back and two, that I actually had cute school lads to post about this year. Naturally, that didn't help this post get written in any kind of timely manner, but what are you gonna do?)
Clyde started kindergarten a couple of weeks ago! His birthday fell right on the deadline, meaning that Chuck and I could choose whether to start him this year or wait another year, which I really didn't want to do since the poor kid is soooo academically ready. Unfortunately, he's not physically ready for the all-day kindergarten that Nampa switched to last year, so we opted for an online/homeschool program.
One benefit of home schooling is that students are able to pack (fake) heat. Ahhh, home schooling and children with toy guns - two things I swore I'd never be party to :).
So far it's going really well. We work for a couple of hours each day, usually at the kitchen table. He's a pretty independent worker which means I can multitask . . . unfortunately this also means I no longer have any excuse to avoid the dishes :(.
The next week it was time for Will's first day of preschool!
We may have had a semi-late evening the night before, which meant that Will only woke up about twenty minutes before the bus came to pick him up, hence the slightly 'out of it' look he's sporting.
Luckily Clyde was there to help him smile :).
And seeing the bus roll up got a genuine smile out of the wee one!
And after one more big brotherly hug from Clyde . . .
it was time to get on the bus! I was relieved to see that he has the same bus driver and attendant as he did last spring; it made sending him off much easier.
And this is the happy face that came home to us a few hours later! Obviously a great first day :).
And speaking of first days of school, my mom had hers this past Tuesday. She's teaching a sixth grade class in a small town near Twin Falls. We were able to stop for a visit on our drive home from picking up our minivan the week before, and it was fun to see her school and visualize where she'll be spending so much of her time this coming year. Send her good thoughts - her class is comprised of 8 girls and 20 boys, yikes :) (Good thing I get my affection for boys from her; she'll handle them all just fine!).
The next week it was time for Will's first day of preschool!
cute pictures! i love their crocs!!
Your boys are the cutest things ever!!!! I love Clyde's "out of it look" I feel the way he looks all of the time!! Is your mom commuting back and forth or did she move?! I'm glad she found a teaching job!
I love your pictures! Good luck with school, for all of you.
LOVE that Clyde's first day was barefoot! A great way to spend any day at school. Also LOVE the help he gave to Will. Everyone needs someone to help them smile.
Good luck to your mom. My class is tilted the other way ( 8 boys 17 girls)
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