
Monday, August 17, 2009

Indulge me.

As a mom, I'm naturally incredibly impressed by everything my sons do. I think we've all seen how many pictures I feel compelled to take of them, often doing everyday tasks such as eating cereal or sitting in a stroller. I've made a conscious effort not to turn this blog into an ever-gushing highlight reel of each and every accomplishment (believe me, I could . . . and I still might) but I thought that this warranted a post.

This past Saturday Chuck and I were providing a nursery during a funeral service and had handed out papers and crayons to the twelve or so little kids sitting around the table. I reminded everyone to write their names on their papers and offered assistance to those who needed it when Clyde suddenly waved his paper in the air:
Yep, my two-year-old (okay, he's almost three) wrote his own name! And if the paper's edge had extended a little bit more on the right, the letters would have been in order. Finding himself out of room after the 'D', however, Clyde chose to relocate the 'E' to a spot above.

Pretty awesome, eh?


Missy08 said...

Wow that is pretty impressive for a 2 yr old almost 3 yr old he is one smart kid and a cute little guy

Leslie said...


Leslie said...
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Connie and Brandon said...

That is WAY awesome. Good job Clyde!!!

Melissa said...

I'll indulge... because that is awesome! You have quite the kiddo on your hands. :)

tvcadurfee said...

thats awesome! hes super smart!

Shawn AND Chelsey said...

What a smart boy!!

jayna said...

His genius once again leaves me depressed about his future height capabilities...as in, spouse for Lila. (maybe she'll be one of those girls who don't care? maybe he'll be the tallest person in your family in 3 generations? a mother can hope...)

Unknown said...

So cute! Is he really almost 3????? Shocking! Just yesterday I squeezed his littl ebaby self at sams wedding!

Ben and Courtney Hugo said...

He's always been a prodigy.

Meghan & Chase said...

wow I'm impressed too! Go ahead and gush all you want, I do. It's your blog- who would get tired of seeing your handsome little guys?

Sam and Terri said...


This is a very good step. Now if you could teach him to type you can get him to write your school papers for you.

Holly Cameron said...

Holy impressive! We need to get ella on this train of writing her name. She still eats the crayons...