
Thursday, August 1, 2024

April 2021: part two

Sunrises are my faaaaaavorite:

Scootered over to say hi to Grandma while she worked in a friend's yard.

WildPride Spring Showcase - including a dance with the newest members of the team, my outgoing 8th graders. SO proud of them!

Big WildPride fans here.

Prettiest rainbow in the kitchen:

I guess April is warm enough for running through sprinklers OR my kids are crazy ;).

Cutest sleeping cat:

Instagram caption: πŸŽ¨πŸ”¨πŸͺœπŸͺ£πŸšͺπŸͺžπŸ–ΌπŸ‘

Next month marks 13 years in our house which is slightly insane. We are never going to move but we decided to pretend we’re going to move, aka de-clutter and repaint and RE-CARPET!! (hallelujah). Chuck is over halfway done with the painting because he’s amazing but we are def not tackling the carpet ourselves. Is Lowe’s the best option for that? I literally want someone to come in and do everything and for me not to be involved at all besides picking the option that feels the softest πŸ€—.



Even more besties!

Random selfie. The mask pulled down to the chin is VERY cool-looking.

Pretty sure I'm too old to ride a freaking school bus. Gesford met me at the tennis match with a Dr Pepper and saved my life.

Love me some Will stories from Ms. Jones!

Clyde got his permit yo!


Also random.

One of those Sundays where I realize my kids are darling and I should document that more:

Caption from CHUCK's instagram: Growing up so fast!

Appreciative email including the principal is so cool. I have students do this sometimes when I'm covering a class, and I love it.


Instagram caption: Year 4 of this random picture tradition and I still just love it so much... except clearly being two weeks late makes a huge difference re: the snowy tree blossoms so we’ll be more punctual in April 2022.

Made dinner one night:

It was a big hit.

I should probably keep a spare brush at school. Oh wait, I do. Maybe I should use it sometime.

Ohhhh what the handsome? Clyde took Intro to Agriculture this year and joined FFA and I'm all for an organization that has kiddos get this cleaned up and fancy on a regular basis:

End of the year FFA banquet - Chuck and Clyde went, Clyde got his Greenhand award:

and was chosen as an officer for the next year?!

Two of the new officers - Clyde will be Sentinel and Brooks will be Treasurer. I have literally no idea what all of this means but I'm super proud of Clyde!

The debut of our East Valley Pond:

Olson Pond, Bobcat Lake, haven't settled on an official name but a couple of kids made their debut splashes in it so that was exciting, grrrr.

Wee bike riders:

Chuck met them at the school to ride home with them because he's the best. Jack is happy. Carma is unaffected.

Rocket building at boys' activity with Brother Haws:

All the boys chasing to see where it dropped.

Let's pretend my house is only a disaster because of the on-going painting project, not my disinclination to do laundry:

Big projects at work. Flattered they think I'm hardcore enough to move tons of furniture, kind of wish they didn't though haha.

Chuck's instagram caption: Off to see cousins and grandma. And procrastinate doing distance school learning.

Principal Appreciation Day for the actual best.

Okay moving furniture around is fun when I get to drive the golf cart:

and when it involves a field trip to Subway for lunch!!

and when we do things that are definitely OSHA-approved.

Random sucky thing from covid- Airbnb's new 16 people or less policy. Gonna have to vote some folks out of the extended family, Survivor-style. 

Cutest sidewalk chalk ever:

Pretty sure I couldn't love these two any more than I do:

Hardest worker ever.

Instagram caption: 

Jana would like to give a shout out to Jack for apparently being a freaking rock star at school πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜‡πŸ’―

...thus saving all of his misbehavior for home πŸ˜…πŸ₯΄πŸ€ͺπŸ˜πŸ˜‚ Ohhhh man we love this boy!

Seriously the most intriguing combination of so tender-hearted and so hardheaded in the cutest little package.

I work outside like four a hours a day can you tell?

Random friend get together with these cute 7th graders!

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