
Monday, May 27, 2019

Carma is FOUR!

Aaaaand just like that, our baby girlie is four. Carma continues to keep us on our toes - sometimes she's a girly girl, all sparkles and makeup and princesses; the next moment she's rough and tumble, dirt and bugs, determined to keep up with her big brothers. We are so grateful that she is unabashedly herself and is still unaffected by outside pressures or influences.

I had worked alllll day Tuesday at the elections, so I was definitely a lame, lazy mama on her bday. Thankfully her amazing Sunbeam teacher 'Sister Karlina' dropped by a treat:

We celebrated as a family a few days after the fact, which (hopefully!) made up for a pretty quiet Wednesday. Carma June is anything but quiet - her laugh and voice and personality are a very loud presence in our home and we couldn't be happier!

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