
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Baby Jack nostalgia

Remember when I had a wee baby with . . .
dark, dark [occasionally awesomely-styled] hair . . .

a completely [darling] gummy smile . . .

 who always stayed [albeit sometimes grumpily]
exactly where you put him?


Well, that baby is now just a few days shy of six months old and now has . . .
 light brown hair . . .

two [hard to photograph] bottom teeth . . .

and the cutest little bum-in-the-air-scoot/army crawl I think I've ever seen:

Happily, we all love and adore every version of our 
sweet baby Jack!


Sherry said...

This post made me literally have this train of thought:

"So cute! I should have another baby. Wait, I am having another baby."

This is a far cry from my day-to-day thought of, "Am I seriously doing this again? Can I handle this?" I need posts about cute babies to remind me that this baby is going to be as awesome as the one I already have.

Holly Cameron said...

What a stinkin' cute boy! I can't wait to see him today..and the rest of you!

Anonymous said...

He is such a happy boy! The cutest smile!! And what a mover. He learns quick!

Ryan and Jackie Galloway said...

what?! Jack is NOT old enough to be crawling already!!! Rylee just recently figured it out. Jack is all over it :)