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So it's December 1st and there's like ten inches of snow on the ground outside, so I guess I better get on board the 'winter wonderland' train and bid a fond farewell to November/autumn by blogging about Thanksgiving.
Sam and Terri and baby Bailey braved the super sucky winter roads and came up for the holiday. Will proceeded to attach himself to Bailey; it was a rare moment that he wasn't hugging, kissing, or hovering over her.
Cute little cousins!! He looooved putting her binky back in whenever she spit it out (or whenever he could convince Terri to take it out) and would wave it around her face saying, "Bite . . . bite . . . " Will also teased poor Bailey by offering her a toy - like going as far as to put it in her hand - and then taking it away quickly, saying "Hey! No, no."We had our delicious feast at my mama's house; it was really nice to have everyone together (until Chuck had to go to work right after we ate). I thought it was a terrific idea to snap a few pictures around the table as we ate, but it turns out that A) people eating isn't super attractive and B) our family was having the least photogenic day of our collective lives. Seriously, check it out:
Quinn and Chuck.
Bailey and Sam.
Grandma Pam and Clyde . . . behind Chuck's plate :).
Me and Terri.
Chuck (again) and Cody. I'm not sure if it was an early onset of tryptophan-induced fatigue and that's why no one could keep their eyes open for a picture, or what, but there you have us.
The effects of tryptophan were apparently airborne for baby Will because he slept through dinner without even a bite of turkey. Funny boy!
After dinner Grandma Pam and Bailey read some books . . .
as did Uncle Cody and Clyde.
We also attempted . . .
(and clearly failed at) a nice brotherly picture.We embarked on a game of Trivial Pursuit which was really going nowhere until Sam and Terri schooled us all IN ONE TURN. We were playing 'pie for every answer' and then got all six pies in one turn. It was insane.
Quinn came back home with us that night to participate in a sibling viewing of one of our favorite movies ever, Sgt. Bilko. Quinn and I definitely fell asleep before it was over, but I'm pretty sure Sam (and Bailey!) made it through to the end.The next day was Friday, when all of our National Championship dreams were crushed by Auburn's win, Oregon's win, and Boise State's, well . . . not-win. Definitely don't want to talk about it, except to say Coach Peterson is probably the classiest guy ever and we echo his sentiments that one play (or two, even) cannot lose the game; the whole team is responsible. Our depression is starting to lift; I figure this Saturday's game against Utah State will just be the first game in our brand-new winning streak! Saturday evening we got together with my dad at Quinner's church building to eat some pizza and play some basketball.
My favorite little brother.
Of course, by the time he smiles nicely I'm laughing too hard to smile.
Super cute husband.
Clyde read some books to Grandpa Braden.
Will made several death-defying leaps into Uncle Quinn's arms.
(Thanks to Uncle Quinn for meeting him halfway).
Terri even got in on the basketball action, what a sport!
More basketball . . .
and more . . .
and more! Clyde reeeeally wanted to be big enough to play :).
I opted to stay on the sidelines and try to make this sweet girl smile.
Success!! We were so bummed to see Sam and Terri and Bailey leave the next day - thanks again for coming, we miss you!And, since I know everyone's dying to see it, here is our 'completed' Izatt Family Thanksgiving Tree 2010:
WITH closeups of all the various sections:

We tried to keep these pretty light, we'd jot them down randomly throughout the month as we thought of them. My favorite thing is how many have to do with football. One day I saw the 'overtime' leaf, and I was like, "Honey, you don't work overtime." And Chuck said, "Oh, yeah, that means overtime in football." And I said, "Oh, heaven help us." Well, not really, but I thought that :). Happy December everyone!
Can I just say that I was right there with you in lamenting every major game on the Friday after Thanksgiving? I was really pulling for Boise State. Ah well. And then Saturday happened. Poor, poor, poor BYU.
YUM! those rolls look good!!! i love your family thanksgiving tree! what a great FHE idea!
Oh I have so many comments.
First of all, it looks like Sam had a little too much egg nog and was livin' it up!
Second, poor baby looks like he's a homeless man...asleep in his coat on a stack of newspapers...if only he had a mother to keep him off the streets at night...
Third, if you haven't already, you must go to You Tube and watch the "LIteral Music Videos" for "TOtal Eclipse of the heart." You will thank me for the pee-inducing good laugh.
K have you ever worn the same outfit twice? You're such a fashionista! Haha! Love your outfits though!
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