I've been meaning to finish blogging about Jack's arrival and first few days, and I figure hitting the four week post-baby mark is good motivation :). Because I had a c-section, I spent essentially four days (three nights) in the hospital and Chuck was with me the entire time. Now, this might just be the rosy perspective of hindsight or the fact that I was on heavy painkillers the entire time, but the more I think back on that stay, the more convinced I am that it was a great deal like a second honeymoon. A second honeymoon at a fancy resort even.
Disclaimer: I have never been to a fancy resort so a lot of this is speculatory.
Secondary disclaimer: Blogger seems to think I made up the word 'speculatory'. This is highly possible.

Disclaimer: I have never been to a fancy resort so a lot of this is speculatory.
Secondary disclaimer: Blogger seems to think I made up the word 'speculatory'. This is highly possible.
Now, there were obviously some glaring differences, (most notably our very separate sleeping quarters) BUT I think you'll agree there were also some striking similarities.
Similarities which I will now helpfully outline:
1. The fact that we were, for most intents and purposes, child-free. Yes, Jack was there, but I consider him more of a vacation souvenir :). My mom took excellent care of Clyde and Will and I appreciated the relaxing break from all-day diapering/feeding/entertaining/etc.

Similarities which I will now helpfully outline:
1. The fact that we were, for most intents and purposes, child-free. Yes, Jack was there, but I consider him more of a vacation souvenir :). My mom took excellent care of Clyde and Will and I appreciated the relaxing break from all-day diapering/feeding/entertaining/etc.
They did visit every day, but I prefer to liken them more to the funny guests staying in the hotel room next door that you get to know whilst eating your continental breakfast - you get to appreciate their quirkiness without dealing with any of the drama :). For instance, I loved when Will happily bounced into my room every time and proclaimed reassuringly, "I here, Mommy! I here!" Naturally this won over the hearts of every nurse within earshot. Of course, everyone in the same vicinity also got to hear his cries of distress when the visit was over and Chuck had to carry him back out to the car for my mom . . . but the main point is that *I* didn't have to carry him out!
2. Much like a vacationing couple, Chuck and I spent the majority of our time together just hanging out, which was super fun.

2. Much like a vacationing couple, Chuck and I spent the majority of our time together just hanging out, which was super fun.
We spent our days cuddling with Jack, photographing Jack, talking uninterruptedly, playing Monopoly Deal, reading all of the sweet comments and congratulations on facebook and the ol' blog, eating (more on that next), welcoming visitors, etc. It was so, so nice to just be together the whole time and reconnect as we began the adjustment of having another child.

And what's a honeymoon without some long walks on the beach? In this case they were sloooow walks around the 8th floor with the baby in tow so I had something to brace myself, but same diff.
3. I make our time there sound pretty low-key and relaxed, but even the laziest of getaways requires some scheduled adventures and activities. In this case, instead of an itinerary comprised of snorkeling and parasailing, Chuck diligently outlined each day in terms of goals for my recovery:

3. I make our time there sound pretty low-key and relaxed, but even the laziest of getaways requires some scheduled adventures and activities. In this case, instead of an itinerary comprised of snorkeling and parasailing, Chuck diligently outlined each day in terms of goals for my recovery:

(Sadly, I don't have a picture of Tuesday's. I'm pretty sure the main goal that day was to have a baby - check!)

Wednesday's white board. Can you tell I got my catheter out that morning? :) I was having some blood pressure issues so I remained a 'high fall risk' all day which was exciting, but I did manage a shower that night which was superbly uncomfortable but heavenly nonetheless. My favorite is 'be awesome'. I might start adding that to all of my to-do lists from here on out.

Thursday's list - each day we got more ambitious and adventurous! I like how taking two naps is marked 'important'. Chuck's a wise man :). And like any smart vacationers, we were flexible; at least two of those goals ended up going unmet for the day - for the sake of maintaining some of my dignity I will refrain from sharing which ones.

Here's Friday's list - doesn't it always seem like the last day of a vacation you're busily trying to squeeze a gazillion things in?? The sweet lactation consultant who came in to help us laughed pretty hard at the first goal (which, true to its high place on the list, was accomplished early in the day. I'm pretty sure I was a wetnurse in a previous life).
4. We were taken care of SO well by all of the hospital staff - and isn't having someone else change your sheets and bring you fresh ice water a staple of exotic trips?

4. We were taken care of SO well by all of the hospital staff - and isn't having someone else change your sheets and bring you fresh ice water a staple of exotic trips?
This is Peggy - one of the MANY incredible people who took care of us. Peggy was definitely a standout though; she was so excited to meet the older boys and made sure to bring them in special coloring books. We were blessed to have her for two of our days there, and each day before she left for the night she would check on us 'one last time' even though she was already off the clock. Our other favorite hospital employees were Mari Lou, Marian, Katie, Sue, Jeanie, and Melissa. Mari Lou and Peggy were the only two who hugged Chuck though, which delighted me beyond all reason since Chuck is, in general, not a hugger.
One quick story to illustrate how well cared for we were: Wednesday morning, Chuck and I were enjoying our breakfasts when Mari Lou and Peggy came in to check my vitals or something. We started talking about the food and I off-handedly mentioned how I tried to include a Danish on my breakfast order but the gal who took my order said that my tray would be too full and I'd have to order it separately at a later time.
(Now, although I will profess my love of the room service next in this post, I promise that my order was not that big - French toast, hot chocolate, bacon, and some fruit.)
Anyhow, I brought it up laughingly but Mari Lou and Peggy took it VERY seriously. They both immediately bristled and said how that should never happen and such, and I tried to backpedal by saying I really wasn't upset or worried about it but they were already quite fired up. . . and then a few minutes later Sue stuck her head in and asked exactly what kind of Danish I had wanted!! I blushed and mumbled something about cream cheese, and about seven minutes later a delicious Danish was brought up to me.
It was fairly embarrassing but at the same time so, so sweet that these three women took it upon themselves to be my advocates and ensure that I got my Danish. I'm hoping that my account wasn't redflagged downstairs after that - none of my subsequent meals looked like they had been spit on . . .

One quick story to illustrate how well cared for we were: Wednesday morning, Chuck and I were enjoying our breakfasts when Mari Lou and Peggy came in to check my vitals or something. We started talking about the food and I off-handedly mentioned how I tried to include a Danish on my breakfast order but the gal who took my order said that my tray would be too full and I'd have to order it separately at a later time.
(Now, although I will profess my love of the room service next in this post, I promise that my order was not that big - French toast, hot chocolate, bacon, and some fruit.)
Anyhow, I brought it up laughingly but Mari Lou and Peggy took it VERY seriously. They both immediately bristled and said how that should never happen and such, and I tried to backpedal by saying I really wasn't upset or worried about it but they were already quite fired up. . . and then a few minutes later Sue stuck her head in and asked exactly what kind of Danish I had wanted!! I blushed and mumbled something about cream cheese, and about seven minutes later a delicious Danish was brought up to me.
It was fairly embarrassing but at the same time so, so sweet that these three women took it upon themselves to be my advocates and ensure that I got my Danish. I'm hoping that my account wasn't redflagged downstairs after that - none of my subsequent meals looked like they had been spit on . . .
And I can't forget my dear, dear OB, Dr. Klomp. He's such a good guy.
5. Next: ahh yes, the food. Staying at the hotel, er, hospital and ordering off the room service menu is most definitely the closest I will ever get to my dream of having a personal chef.

5. Next: ahh yes, the food. Staying at the hotel, er, hospital and ordering off the room service menu is most definitely the closest I will ever get to my dream of having a personal chef.

Please excuse my lack of foresight and accept these google image finds in place of real photographs, but here's mainly what my diet consisted of for those four days: French toast, chicken caesar wraps, and (the afore-mentioned) Danishes. Yummmm. Oh, and plenty of sides: fresh fruit, hot chocolate, muffins, smoothies, Oreo milkshakes, etc. And since we ordered Chuck a separate 'guest plate' every meal, we were able to dine together - hello, romantic!
Alas, every honeymoon eventually ends and real life resumes.

Alas, every honeymoon eventually ends and real life resumes.
Here we are getting all ready to take our sweet new baby home - I'm telling you, best souvenir ever!!

And as awesome as it was to have a fun little getaway, I'm mostly grateful that I have such a nice 'regular life' to return home to.
(Even if it means changing my own sheets, fewer uninterrupted long talks and card games with my cute husband, and a distinct lack of Danishes. . . )
(Even if it means changing my own sheets, fewer uninterrupted long talks and card games with my cute husband, and a distinct lack of Danishes. . . )