Chuck and I had the opportunity at the end of July to help out as leaders for a Young Men/Young Women Super Activity camping trip. Chuck was recruited as a Scout leader since the mid-week activity fell on his days off and I . . . well, I invited myself :). It was relatively soon after Chuck's appendectomy so I figured I should tag along and helpfully remind him not to do too much. And since I've been in Primary/Cub Scouts since we moved into our ward three years ago, I was excited to hang out with the youth a bit and you know, learn their names :).
We also spent quite a bit of time hanging out at the latrines a couple miles away from our campsite. A couple of times a day we'd organize carpools in one of the two minivans to herd the kids (okay, mostly girls) for a bathroom trip. It became a big joke because the selected listening for these trips was a Brian Regan CD that most of the kids already seemed to have memorized. It was my first exposure to the comedian, and I have to admit that he's pretty hilarious - here one of my favorite bits: If you don't have time for the whole thing, start it at about 4:27 and then die laughing. "Umm, ohh, you know Kevin?" Hahahaha.
We also had movie nights. Well, everyone else did. This tired, pregnant lady went to sleep :). But the set-up was awesome with a projector and a hanging white tarp. The first night's selection was an old Western/favorite of the Bishop's called "Support Your Local Sheriff" and the next night was one about the life of Joseph Smith.
(And as always, mucho gracias to Grandma Pam for taking excellent care of the little boys while we were gone!!)
(Oh, and happy birthday today to my dear brother Sam! I love you buddy!)