
Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Clyde is TEN! (and three/fourths....)

Clyde turned 10! To celebrate, we did a repeat of last year's activity- the bike park with these two buddies:
Such good kiddos. And happily, this year all three boys escaped without any injuries!

I'm pretty sure I say it every year, but Clyde's birthday always seems anti-climatic because we hold him to such an 'oldest kid' standard of acting older and being responsible that when he turns the next age we kind of forget that he wasn't already that old, whoops! We rely on Clyde so much to help with the other kids; we started giving him opportunities to babysit a couple of his siblings at a time for an hour or so during the day and he's done really well with it.  

Here's the picture and caption I posted on Instagram for his birthday:
"Double digits, baby! My Clyde Monster is 10 and we love him buckets and buckets. He is, in his own humble words, "Pure Awesomeness" πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜‰πŸŽ‰πŸ”Ÿ"

Aaaand some birthday pictures with his mama:
It's hard to write this so long after that fact (reason #118 to catch up on my blog) because he's grown and matured so much since September, so now all I see is the almost-11-year-old boy. I love looking back at this newly minted 10 year old and what a delight he was and what a scallywag he was and how both of those descriptions of him have only grown more true in the nine months since ;). We love our Clyde Monster!!

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