
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Carma's theatrical debut (aka our ward Christmas party)

Our church Christmas party was held in mid-December and approximately 2.5 days beforehand, Carma was recruited to appear in a somewhat pivotal role:
baby Jesus! 

You know the pickin's are slim when a seven month old girl has to step up (er, crawl up)! It's especially funny since our ward is currently in the midst of a baby boom, three babies (all boys!) born in 2015 so far, with five more babies coming in the next little bit.

We were happy to help out though, if for no other reason than to see how cute Chuck looks in Bethlemen-esque attire.

Here's a quick shot of the entire cast; the Bishopric served as our wise men. I'm honestly still impressed with how spot-on we look. I imagine we'll be asked to make the 'Nativity' circuit next December...
Bishop Swenson, Chuck, me, Carma, Brother Curtis, Brother Cunningham

I found out just before we headed 'onstage' that there was a manger for, ahem, Jesus to be placed in - for some reason I thought I was just supposed to hold her? Anyways, I was sure that it was all going to go south and that Carma would reject the 'no crying he makes' plan and scream heartily.
Instead, we gently laid her down... she promptly rolled over, stood up, and proceeded to look around merrily and occasionally pump her arms in the air as Luke II was read aloud and the wise men came to offer gifts. Chuck and I basically shook with laughter and tried to look reverent and serene.

I handed off my phone to Braenna so she could take pictures for me, and obviously I found a few extra shots when I looked afterwards:
 my favorite was the seven pictures I found of Jared (bottom left) that the girls nonchalantly took from across the room. OH to be fifteen again!!

My mom very sweetly came along to the party with us to help with the kids, here she is with Carma before the Nativity:
 And of course Santa came! The boys were somewhat reticent (mostly Clyde and Jack) but Will very determinedly asked him for a "soft, girl doll with red hair" for Carma before making his own request for a hippopotamus (more... much more... on that later, haha).

1 comment:

Ben and Courtney Hugo said...

Yay! Love this. I will check your blog now every hour for a new post.