
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Final countdown...

HOLY moly people, we are officially having a baby next month. Yesterday marked the four-weeks-to-go point, which means that as of today I am having a baby in THREE weeks (and six days...). The realization of how flipping soon that is has definitely hit. I have yogurt in the fridge that is good beyond the date that I will be having a baby. Insane.
 And just for fun, here are some recent pictures of the fantastic growth of my baby/cookie bump, from my doctor's appointment a few days ago. Doesn't everyone take pictures using the mirror on the back of the door while they wait for their doc to come in? Nope? Just me? 

My appt was good; I whined about some random third trimester nausea in the evenings and also found out I'm already dilated a bit (almost 2cm). Here's what this means:

a) my body is ridiculous. Why put me through painful contractions when I have to have a c-section anyways? Not friendly.
b) I will basically for sure make it to May 16th. I was this dilated this early with Jack and thus held out hope that he would come early and he sure didn't. 
c) Dr. Klomp said I should probably take it a bit easy which I am choosing to milk as much as possible when Chuck is around: "Oh, honey, Jack needs a new diaper. I'd change him, but I should probably be taking it easy. You know what the doctor said and all..." Chuck obviously sees exactly what I'm doing and heartily rolls his eyes, but steps up every time nonetheless. He's a doll.

 With the due date looming, I am declaring myself in nesting-mode, with a to-do list including: making a cute canvas/paint sign for the baby's wall of an Anne of Green Gables quote, darkening the doors of D.I. and Savers relentlessly until I find the last couple baby clothes items exactly as I have them pictured in my head, and BLOGGING! I have loads of adventures to post about and that seems more vital to get done before the baby comes than, say, scrubbing my kitchen floor :).

And finally, one day last week I spent some time sorting through baby clothes in Jack's room (soon to be Jack-and-the-baby's-room) and my youngest son kept absconding with various pink clothing items. A few hours later, he insisted on being put to bed IN THE CRIB, you know, where he hasn't slept since early January.
Sooo I think it's pretty obvious that there won't be annny sibling rivalry issues here. I predict a smooth transition with no adjustment period needed, lucky!!


Ginger said...

Jana, you look so great! I got the "take it easy" order from my doctor last time too. It seems a little bit impossible when you have other children (especially rambunctious boys), but I wish you well with it. I can't wait to see your cute baby girl soon!

Ben and Courtney Hugo said...

I love Jack! I can't wait for baby girl to get here!

Emily and Owen Johnston said...

You are so cute! Can't wait to have lunch in a couple of weeks! Woo!!

jayna said...

You do look so cute! I had a cookie baby as well- Lila. She was supposed to be my biggest baby. But then I gave birth to the cookie MONSTER baby brother.

I can't wait! And thanks for the thank you note- happy mail! But hurry and blog the pictures because I didn't take any in the hosting daze and I'm dying to see that shower!

Holly Cameron said...

Awww. You were totally made to be a mom. Look how cute you are in those selfie prego pictures! I can't believe it's almost time! So excited for your family! Especially for Jack. Haha