
Friday, January 30, 2009

Random info about a random person

Terri tagged me to share seven random tidbits of information about my fabulous self, so here goes:

1. I cut Chuck's hair the other night for the first time; it worked out pretty well. Chuck had to help around his ears because I was really scared that I would slice off part of his ear, gauge out part of his head, or buzz too high up above his ear. Chuck hates to have his too long, so this has the potential to save us some serious money if I keep doing it.

2. I was pretty obsessed with soap operas in junior high and the beginning of high school. Mostly just Days of Our Lives and Passions (as if that's less embarrassing . . . it isn't!) My grandma loved Days, so I watched with her a lot, and after she passed away I kept up with it. My sophomore year of high school I went home sometime during the lunch hour every day to press record on the VCR; I really could have used a DVR back then! A while later I realized that I love happy endings too much to watch soap operas - they always break up the happy couples and such, so I stopped watching my junior year of high school. Now I read blogs!

3. I'm not as 'green' as I should be, but I am pretty hardcore about recycling. It's such an easy way to make a difference! Maybe it's because I've been to the local landfill a few times, so I know how nasty and overtaking garbage is - why throw a plastic bottle away (such a final step) when you can recycle it and let it be useable again? One of my classes last semester used to laugh at me because I'd gather their pop bottles and take them down the two flights of stairs to the recycling bins. Sometimes it's a pain, like when I forget to put it out three weeks in a row so it overtakes our garage, but it's really the least we can do for the earth.

4. I'm a really good driver (I think so, at least) but I've been pulled over quite a bit. I've lost count, actually - maybe ten times? They've been for all sorts of stuff, speeding (only three times, I think), seatbelt (once), registration stickers expired (three times), broken/lack of blinker (twice), broken headlight (once or twice), and just this month, failure to come to a complete stop at a stop sign. I've gotten more warnings than tickets, thankfully. In fact, one of my first times was a few months after I got my license and I was on my way to watch Quinn's Y-ball game. The officer pulled me over (after following me for a couple blocks) because my registration was expired, but he told me that I was a really good driver, especially considering my age, and just gave me a warning.

5. I try to pattern the way I speak to my children after my cousin's wife Stephanie. She is one of the kindest people I know and she always uses such a joyful tone when she talks to her four kids; it's so evident how much she loves them and how happy she is to be their mom. Two of their children are significantly delayed, and her patience and amazing attitude inspire me. I don't always do her justice (two-year-old tantrums are SO frustrating sometimes!) but I really try to express my love to Clyde and Will in the things that I say to them and through my tone of voice. I also figure it's one of the best ways that I can show my gratitude to Heavenly Father for entrusting me with their sweet little souls.

6. Chuck and I go through binges with certain competitive/reality television shows. We get obsessed with a show, DVR every episode, and then get bored and move on a few weeks later. We've done this with Jeopardy, Deal or No Deal (part of this decision to stop watching this was because of the seriously skanky dresses the models wore), House Hunters, Get it Sold, Cash Cab, and Ace of Cakes (I still watch Ace of Cakes, I love Geof!).

7. I would much rather bake than cook (seriously. dislike. cooking.), probably because I have such a sweet tooth and eating cookies is yummier than eating spaghetti. Our favorite kitchen-related activity right now is having dance parties - I strap Will in his booster seat at the table, turn the radio on, and Clyde and I dance and dance and dance some more while I make dinner or a snack later in the evening. Poor Chuck is usually asleep, getting ready for work, or at work so he only catches glimpses here and there. Clyde and I use spatulas as microphones and break out some pretty awesome moves while Will busts a little baby gut laughing at us. Taylor Swift is ideal, but we settle for anything upbeat and energetic, and then we don't feel guilty eating extra cookies later on!


Sam and Terri said...

So, I used to watch Passions all the time in high school as well. Good ole Luis, Sheridan, and crazy Teresa. So funny. At least your soap opera days ended in high school, mine definitely spilled over to college dorm days.
I would like to join in on your cookie making dance parties and watch TV with you, Clyde and little Wilbur. When can you pencil me in?

Leslie said...

In light of #6, avoid "High School Reunion" like the plague. Matt and I got sucked into it last year and were embarrassed that we were even watching it it was so horrible! And yet...we returned week after week.

Emily said...

Very fun, It's always interesting to find out new things out about people! I love the kitchen one, yeah, I hate to cook too, but at least you're stepping foot into the room, right? ( That totally counts as cooking!) And I can just see the boys singing it up and dancing around with you, sounds fun. You're the best Mom!

jayna said...

I loved this. I've actually been composing a similar blog in my head this past week as I thought of all the random things we people do. Stay tuned...

I would much rather cook dinner than bake. Because dinner has a much higher probability of turning out better than cookies. This is a curse I struggle with.

P.s. you are a bad driver.
p.p.s. you are a good mom.

jen said...

How fun to read all those "random" things :) I much prefer baking over cooking too... maybe it's because the things you bake usually last much longer :)

Melissa said...

I love this! You really are a great mom, much more patient than I am.

I would come sing with you and the boys in the kitchen but I think they would run away if they heard me sing. maybe I could just dance with you!

Remember Mallory and her obsession with Deal or no Deal? That was so fun when you guys would come over and watch with us.